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all credits go to oSlug_Girlo on ao3

Jonathan woke up to an arm slung around his waist and heavy breathing at the back of his neck. It was still dark outside and he could barely make out the shapes in his room. Half asleep, Jonathan took a minute to realize that there was someone else in the bed next to him. Who? Whoever it was had a few inches on Jonathan's height and strong arms that were so comfortable, he couldn't help but lean back into the embrace and drift off...

Then he felt it. A pressing against his ass which was definitely not an arm. Well, it was a man behind him. He elbowed the figure to create some room between them and heard a grunt that he recognized.

"Steve?" he whispered into the air.

"Hnng?" a muffled groan behind him answered.

"Steve," he hissed more aggressively.

"What?" a pissed Steve answered.

"You think you could, uh, shove back a bit?" He felt Steve pull back from him a little, but he kept his arms firmly in place.

"Why?" He all but felt Steve's realization sink in. First, he froze, then he clenched his hands a little tighter as if to check that this was really happening. It was. He jumped off the bed and backed into the corner.

"Shit I-I... Fuck, ah this is awkward, uh," Steve seemed to struggle to form a sentence and it almost made Jonathan laugh.

"Steve it's fine-"

"No! No no no no no it's not, I'm so sorry,"

"Steve, look. We just fell asleep after staying up too late, and you must have been dreaming about Nancy or someone, so this doesn't change anything, I promise. We're cool."

"I'll just go sleep on the couch." Steve shuffled over to the door, but looked back when Jonathan sighed dramatically.

"Jesus, Harrington, just get in." Jonathan lifted up the covers and quirked an eyebrow at him pointedly. Without meeting his eyes, the older boy clambered back into the bed, body facing Jonathan.

"Steve, look at me," Steve begrudgingly met his eyes. "We're okay. It happens to everyone, no sweat." He smiled what he hoped was convincingly and Steve smiled back at him, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Byers." Jonathan rolled over to give Steve some space. If he closed his eyes for long enough, maybe he'd fall asleep and could pretend this was all just some weird dream.

But he couldn't. He didn't want to.

Slowly and unsurely, Jonathan shuffled back towards Steve.

"Jonathan?" an unsure voice called to him, but he didn't stop, not until he could feel the press of Steve against him. "Jonathan, what are you-"

Steve's words were cut off by a gasp when Jonathan experimentally ground against him. Steve made no move to stop him, so he did it again. And again, and again, until Steve had wound his arm around Jonathan's waist and was moaning softly into his ear. He didn't stop there.

Reaching back, Jonathan gently slid his hands downwards towards Steve's crotch. He took a shaky breath in before cupping Steve's dick, feeling him squeeze his waist and whimpering.

"Jonathan, you don't have to," Steve was trying, but failing to keep his voice straight. "Jonathan, are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah I am." At that he turned to face him, stared into intense brown eyes, full of lust and uncertainty.

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