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part 5

Not wanting to waste any time in the fear of running into his parents Steve parked on the side of his house and climbed in his window after seeing the car still parked in the driveway. As Steve rolled into his room he was about to tug off his shirt and change before the thought of ripping his button up while climbing down the side of the house came to mind. He grabbed his shirt, his cologne, and his deodorant and hopped back out the window and started his drive back to Jonathan's house.

When he got there Jonathan and Will hadn't gotten there so Steve decided to go into Jonathan's room and get ready. As soon as he sprayed cologne on himself he flopped down on Jonathan's bed. Even though he had been up only 11 hours, he was exhausted and he knew if he stayed in the bed any longer he'd fall asleep. So he grabbed Jonathan's battery operated radio and headed to the kitchen to dance.

When Will and Jonathan walked into the door the first thing they heard was the radio playing The Clash, the next thing was stomping offbeat, and finally shrill singing. Will smiled at Jonathan and walked to the kitchen for him and Jonathan to see none other than Steve Harrington singing into a wooden spoon and dancing around like a fool.

"Sooo you got to let me knoooowwwwwww..." Steve drew out the last two letters and spun around, jumping almost a foot in the air when he realized he had an audience. He quickly turned the music off and stared sheepishly at the older Byers. "Hey, Jonny. Will. So, how's it going?" He asked awkwardly. Will laughed and looked from Steve to Jonathan.

"You guys are gay losers. When's mom gonna be home? Do I need to look nice like Steve too?" He started questioning. Steve laughed and pointed at Will with the spoon he had been singing into previously.

"Little Byers, you will never, look as nice as me. Unless you end up looking like your brother then I might have a run for my money." He explained and then winked at Jonathan. Will rolled his eyes and headed towards his room to change but before shutting his door he yelled out one last time.

"GAY LOSERS" Jonathan and Steve laughed and Steve told the taller boy how he had to climb into his own window just to get a shirt and cologne.

"Well, you got 2 out of 2 Steve." The younger raised his eyebrow. "You smell good and look good" Jonathan winked and then headed for his own room so he could change.

While the two Byer's men, boys, delinquents, whatever you wanted to call them, got dressed Steve set the table and leaned against the counter. Just as he started to relax he heard a car pull into the driveway and two car doors open and close. He ran to Jonathan's room and knocked 3 times and told him to hurry up and then did the same to Will. Right as he stepped back into the living room Joyce walked in, followed by Hopper, carrying a pizza.

"Hey, Mrs. Byers. Hopper. Jonathan and Will should be out in one-" Steve was cut off by Will.

"PIZZA!" He said and ran towards Hopper trying to snatch the box down from his hands. Jonathan walked out and gave Will a look and the younger realized what he was doing.

"Oh. I mean eww pizza. Wouldn't you guys rather have spaghetti?" He asked his mom and Hopper. Both raising their eyebrows, turning to each other, and then back to face the kids in front of them.

"What's going on? Why are you guys dressed up so nicely? Jonathan?" Steve felt left out but in a thankful way because this is not how he expected this dinner to go.

"I- um" Will cut his older brother off.

"Mom Jonathan made spaghetti for us tonight we didn't know you were going to bring home pizza. Or Hopper for that matter. But it's okay. How about, no offense mom, we put the pizza up for tonight and we can eat it tomorrow. You know leftover pizza tastes way better than leftover spaghetti." Will said. Steve was amazed. How in the hell did Little Byers just pull that shit off?

Joyce agreed, greeted Steve, Will sat out another plate for Hopper, and then they all sat down for dinner. After eating quietly except for the small talk and compliments to the chef, Jonathan refused to take all the credit even though Steve just cooked noodles and burned himself, until finally Jonathan looked at Steve and cleared his throat signaling everyone to look at him.

"I've got something to tell you guys," He started as he looked at his mom and Hopper. He gulped, looked at Steve for guidance, which in response Steve just smirked, and he came out with it; and by it he meant Steve.

"Steve and I are dating"

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