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all credits go to oo_lemon_boi_oo

As much as Jonathan loved Steve — trust him, he really did — he also liked being home, which clashed with Steve who loved to be out and doing things Jonathan's idea of a perfect day was renting movies staying home snuggling up and eating whatever food there was in the fridge, and Steve's was the complete opposite of that. Go out — yes he would be picking Jonathan up was that even a question? — go out for a movie in a theater then dinner then walk around a bit and then Finally Jonathan would drag him back to either of their places

It just so happened that the Byers residence was where they were going because despite both houses being empty, his mom was covering (Jonathan thought the girl's name was Linda?) the night shift and will over af the wheelers, and Steve's parents being out for a reason they couldn't entirely explain, Jonathan's house was more like a home. It was warm and it felt loved while Steve's place felt more like...a museum. Meant to be displayed not lived in.

The two were in Steve's car — reiterating once more that Steve had to pick jonathan up — and making out, albeit uncomfortably over the center console

Jonathan wrapped his arms around Steve's neck Steve's own hands on the back of Jonathan's neck and on his waist his kisses making their way down Jonathan's neck, his head tilted backwards so Steve could reach the places he wanted to.

"Y-you know...we could be making out in a much more comfortable place...like my couch. Or m-my bed?" Jonathan got out through smal moans of pleasure

"Mm..but I just couldn't keep my hands off you sweetheart" steve mumbled before breaking away enjoying the was Jonathan looked; disheveled, flannel half down his arms and thermal shirt bunched up and wrinkled in places it previously wasn't. His face was red and his normally flat and tame hair was slightly tossed

"Well then. In that case you can get your hands back on me...just inside." Jonathan offered with a smug smirk, steve huffed and agreed as the walked the short distance up to the door steve was itching to get his hands back on him and Jonathan would be lying if he said he wasn't missing Steve's hands all over him

Jonathan as best as he could got his keys out with Steve pressed up against his back pressing kisses to Jonathan's neck Jonathan let out a soft 'stop' just so he could actually get inside and Steve complied moving away from Jonathan just so he could open the door the stepped in and was immediately stopped by Will Byers, half looking like a deer caught in the headlights and half like he was expecting this he had a bowl of cereal in his hands as he sat on a chair facing the door staring at the two

"Hey- hey will...what are you doing here?" Jonathan asked fixing his shirt and flannel

"It's...my house?" Will said simply taking a slurp from his cereal bowl "why are you coming in- why are you here so late you should have been here...and why is Steve with you?" Will asked in rapid fire

"We just went to the movies...no wait- you didn't answer my question you're ment to be at mikes" Jonathan pointed out as Steve stood there not knowing what to do

"Sleepover got canceled somthing about mikes nan I guess? You didn't answer my question, you were ment to stay here" Will said

"Oh c'mon I'm allowed to have freinds and yknow...be social" Jonathan shrugged "go to sleep soon. Steve is sleeping over." Jonathan nodded before walking off to his room, Steve gave Will a shrug as they walked off

"Crap I'm so sorry..he was ment to be at mikes-" Jonathan muttered closing the door a flopping down on his bed right next to Steve

"Hey, it's ok," he smiled caressing Jonathan's cheek "we can still make out...only if you still want" he smiled standing up and walking over to Jonathan's stereo system looking through his cassettes and choosing one he had gifted to him (named 'I want you' cheesy sure but Jonathan found it quite frankly adorable) and putting it in. he laid down on Jonathan's bed this time facing the other, staring at him. This was something that he could do for hours, the curve of his nose his soft hair falling against his pillow his chest rising and falling with each shallow breath

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