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"I'm here to deliver to you a sad information about Leesu. Im Leesu, leave the I-LAND for good. Leesu has been suffering with sever ankle sprain which needed a rest becaude she's require a short leg cast or cast-brace for 10 to 14 day and the recovery might take 3-6 months". Pd-nim started, looking in their eyes.

"She's been suffering since that accident happened where she got confined at the hospital. Her doctor lied about her condition and still let her perform despite of feeling that unbearable pain". She continue.

"We all know Leesu, she won't let everyone see that she's struggling and to know her pain. If her parents didn't call us, she would still be here with us but she needed to go aside from her health condition, it's also a personal reason,"

"I know she wants to stay here, even her last words before leaving is about this place. I hope y'all understand her and continue to pray for her to get through what she's going through and her family,"

"She even prepared a short video to all of you...". The staff step aside.

The video appeared on the screen.

"Hi, everyone~ I know that if you're watching this, I'm probably gone. I don't want to do this but I needed to. It's my dreams against the circumstances around my family, and me. I would love to see you all send me off but I can't, my heart can't". Leesu started off.

"I was the first one to enter the I-LAND, and I saw all of you getting in one by one. Though, that might not be one of my favorite moment, I still enjoy watching all of your performances that I know you worked hard for so many nights. When I got in I-LAND, you guys made sure that what happened there would vanished and replaced it with good memories that I will treasure."

"We've been through so many missions, misunderstanding, exhausting days, and crying moments. To my beloved friends that I have since the beginning of my journey as a trainee, Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Jay, thank you. Thank you for being there for me all the time. I'm sorry for breaking my promise to debut with all of you, I'm really sorry. And of course to my new friends that sent by heaven, K, Hanbin, Ni-Ki, Taki, Daniel, Jake, and Sunoo, you guys mean so much to me."

"I can't wait to see you guys on television, achieving your dreams. I love you all and fighting!". As the video coming to an end, a glimpse of a second, there's a tear that drop on Leesu's cheeks and then the video ended. Only few people noticed it.

Pd-nim is calculating the situation. All of the I-LANDERs fall into silence. They don't know how and what to react.

Sunoo, on the other hand is already bawling, together with the other maknae, Ni-Ki, Taki, and Daniel.

"Leesu left you all a hand written letters and a small gifts". The staff started to distribute the paper bag they've been carrying.

"Can we know what is here reason for leaving?". Jake took a courage to open his mouth.

"She doesn't want you guys to know and we're not in the place to say it". Pd-nim replied.

"You guys can skip today's practice but you can still practice if you want, it's up to you". They said before they leave the living room.

"Dear, Ni-Ki

Wow~ you really exceed my expectations about you, you're a talented kid, truly. I know you will debut, I have that big faith that it would happen. I want you to believe in yourself and your talent. You are gifted with so many skills which makes me proud to meet you and show the world that I was with you halfway achieving your dream.

Ni-Ki can't stop crying as he reads the letter that was written by the lady.

"Dear, Taki

First of all, I'm sorry, Taki. I know you've been hearing that a lot from me, that is because I'm truly sorry for what happened. If I just could turn back to that day, I would do what is right. I know you're going to be great artist, just continue working hard just like what you're doing right now. I hope you don't lose your smile because that is one of the power you hold...".

Taki saw on the screen wiping his tears that is continue to fall.

"Dear, Daniel

Hi, big maknae!
My greeting machine every morning. I'll definitely miss you, the first person who always greeting me in the morning. I will miss your smile the most and you being so clinging to me. Thank you for being my younger brother that I've never experienced before but you came. You taught me a lot and I'm thankful that it's you. You're going to debut, righ?! well, I'll be there when you debut so you better do! Anyway, I'll definitely miss you a lot. Thank you for everything, Daniel~...".

"Dear, Hanbin

Hi, Hanbin! I'm sorry that one of your late snacks' buddy is gone. I won't be able to join you and Sunoo to eat snacks every late, I won't be there to explain to you the unfamiliar korean words to you even though I sometimes don't understand it too. I'm sorry if I always laughed at you whenever you're having a korean language crisis, it's not because you're bad at it, even me who is half korean can't fully speak korean, I'm laughing because you're so cute, really. I'll miss you~..."

Hanbin hold the paper tight, he's just stopping his tears.

"Dear, K

Hi, K! Thank you, thank you for saving me, thank you for giving me second chance, even though it also cause you heartbreak. I will be forever grateful for everything you did to me. I'm sorry that I have to let got the chance you gave me. You believed in me that I can step up after that nightmare. And that you trust me that I can pull myself back again. Thank you for being there, listening to my rants if we have a chance to do. I can say that you become my mentor here in I-LAND. Thank you so much, my mentor...".

K smiles, holding the paper. Sad but, he needs to understand whatever her reason is.

"Dear, Sunghoon

Do I have to make this long? Can't I just say thank you and I love you, then the end? haha just kidding. MY BUDDY! Thank you for always treating me jjajangmyeon ever since we were trainee and when you discovered that it was one of my favorite dishes. Even when I got here, you're the first person who never forget me. You make sure that I'm okay everyday. I always wonder, what did I do for me to have you as my friend? You can feel my energy draining every time, and it means a lot to me because there's someone out there, knew how I feel and it's you...".

Sunghoon continue to read the long letter his friend left.

"Dear, Jake

Hello, Mate! Don't be sad that I'm not there with you anymore. I already told Sunghoon to take care of you, to help you with choreography if you're having a hard time. I'll be the happiest person if I saw you debuting, really. You're a kind hearted human being. I really like being with you because I always gain new things that make sense. I hope people outside see how good person you are, how precious human you are. I want to tell the world to be easy on you, that's how precious you are. I hope to meet you outside too..."

Jake smiling so wide reading the letter, although, inside he's hurting.

"Dear, Sunoo

Sunshine, stop crying, please. It's not like I'm gone forever, I'm just going somewhere far but I'll always be with you. I got your number already, I'll be the one to contact you, so don't worry. For now, continue being the rank 1 on every missions. I know you can do this! People knew how talented you are that's why they always vote for you. You deserve that spot, and no one else. It is made only for you! Thank you for being my listener too, even though you're the one who always talks a lot but I still love you. I love you and see you, Sunshine,"

Sunoo, who's been crying since the very start is now crying louder. He just can't handle the situation and the letter he's reading.

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