Chapter36: GOOD NIGHT

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Everyone is started their day by eating their breakfast. They only have two days before they perform the mission they are practicing.

Leesu on the other hand has been quiet, barely eating her breakfast just like the other days. Some can notice it but some don't, but they decided to not talk about it since it might not that important.

They proceed to their own practice room. Sunoo is leading the team "Chamber 5", together with Heeseung since Sunoo need help in some areas.

"Let's take a break for 10 minutes". Sunoo said while breathing heavily.

"Drink water and rest for 10 minutes". Heeseung added and opened the door.

"Aren't you going to drink?". He asked when everyone left but Leesu's still in the practice room.

"I'll follow". She replied but still standing, staring at her reflection on the mirror. Heeseung nodded and closed the door.

Leesu lay on the floor with her eyes closed, arms also spread on the floor, starting to breathe normally.

She feels so tired even though she only have 3 lines throughout the song, but of course she still dance for 3 mins, but her tiredness is different from the tiredness she felt throughout her journey as a trainee for years.

"Heeseung-hyung said you're here". She heard a voice, followed by a footsteps. She stay in her position, not minding him.

"Should I cook steak?". She quickly shook her head as a response.

"Then, what do you want to eat?". He asked again and looked at the laying lady.

"Nothing...". She answered.

"Well, that's not great. You haven't eaten breakfast". He suddenly sounded like a father nagging his daughter.

"I just don't have an appetite. I'm not hungry. You know that if i'm hungry, i'll eat". She felt a movement but still staying in her position.

"What's happening, Leesu?". He asked as he sat down in the corner of the whole mirror in front.

"Nothing is happening, I'm tired, that's all, Jay". She quickly said.

There's a silence between them, circling the room. The two stays at their places in silence for the next minutes. Despite of Leesu still has her eyes closed, she can still feel that he's with her.

On the other area of the I-LAND, the two group seen drinking water at the kitchen area. Some are talking and some are just peacefully roaming.

"Something's happening to Leesu". Jake whispered to Sunghoon at the pantry.

"Like what?". Sunghoon asked, still whispering even though they are just the only one at the pantry.

"I don't know, if i knew i won't go to you". Jake shook his head and laughed.

"She just might be tired, don't mind her because she doesn't want to be burden to everyone. She will talk to us if she needed to so just calm". He replied and opened the snack he get.

"I'm just worried...". Jake said to himself.

At afternoon, they had their lunch. Still, Leesu ate a very small amount of her food and went straight to their bed room.

A pair of eyes followed her as she went to their bed room. His eyes then landed to her lunchbox, she barely touched them again.

Before they return to their practice, they got called to go to the supply room. They all go shocked because the room is now filled with their clothes that they're going to wear for this mission, together with their accessories and props they're going to use.

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