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After two days with no sign of the attacker, the Pines family was allowed to come home. The police assumed the attacker had left, but said to call if anything suspicious happened. As they stepped back into the Shack and made their way over to the living room, Stan let out a heavy sigh. "I guess that's it, then. We better start preparing for the funeral."

"Funeral?" Bill asked, looking at the "body". "It was never alive."

Dipper and Mabel chose not to answer him, with Stan right there in the room unable to see or hear the little demon.

"I just don't understand..." Stan knelt next to the statue. "Was it a tourist I pissed off? Someone from town? Were they actually after me, or did they just kill Wax Stan out of spite?"

"All that hard work..." Mabel sighed forlornly, sitting next to the statue as well.

Stan stood up, picking up the statue as he did, and carried it out of the room. Mabel followed, carrying the head.

"And THAT is a sight more disturbing than anything I have ever seen." Bill grimaced.

"What?" Dipper looked at him.

"Your sister carrying a human head." Bill shook his head. "Not getting that image out of my head for a while."

"It's just wax." Dipper shrugged. "She once helped carry parts of the science lab skeleton, and that was really creepy."

Bill chuckled. "Hey, it's not as creepy as her carrying a freshly-dead head."

Dipper looked thoughtful. "True...but it is just wax. I mean, there's no blood or anything." He knelt next to the weird footprint that hadn't been touched by anything. "This is a really weird footprint."

"It sure is." Bill flew down next to it. "I've never seen shoes that leave marks near the middle of the feet."

Dipper nodded, reaching out to run his hand through it. "Well, the attacker's gone now."

"Dipper?" Mabel poked her head into the room. "Come on upstairs with me, Grunkle Stan said for us to put on black clothes for the funeral tonight."

Dipper stood up, nodding. "C'mon, Bill."

Bill flew up and landed on Dipper's shoulder, riding along as the two went upstairs. He looked back towards the room, frowning. 'I can't help but think the attacker is still here...'

"Kids, Soos, miscellaneous wax figures, thank you all for coming to attend the funeral of Wax Stan." Stan begin, standing at a pulpit. "I know that some people would say it's wrong to love a wax figure of yourself--"

"THEY'RE WRONG!" Soos declared, standing up dramatically.

"Simmer down, Soos." Stan motioned for him to sit back down and then turned to the coffin, the wax figure's thumbs-up sticking out of the top. "Wax Stan...I hope you're picking pockets in Wax Heaven!" Tears started to form in his eyes and he rubbed at them. "I-I got glitter in my..." He faltered and ran out sobbing, Soos getting up to follow him.

After Soos closed the door behind them, it was just the kids, Bill, and all the wax figures in the room. Dipper got up and went over to climb the stool next to the casket. "Poor Stan...he really liked this statue. Huh?" He looked at Mabel. "Mabel, look at this! He's got a funny hole on his foot!"

"A 'funny hole'?" Mabel walked over. "Oh, that's where the pole-thingy attaches it to the stand. All the statues have that."

Bill stared at the hole with wide eyes, putting pieces together in his head. "Kid...we have to get out of here. Now."

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