Child Psychic

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"Grunkle Stan, you're on TV!" Dipper said, laughing.

"Huh?" Stan came into the room.

"--then come on down to Li'l Gideon's Tent of Telepathy!" The commercial continued. Stan made a face and looked at Dipper.

"It had a clip of you coming out of the outhouse." Dipper shrugged. "Why do you have an outhouse if we have a bathroom?"

"Your sister was in the shower, I used the alter—it showed WHAT?!" He scowled and stormed out, tearing into the bushes near the outhouse.

"Wow." Mabel watched him through a window. "Oh, he found a camera. Well, it used to be a camera."

"What is it now?" Bill asked.

"A piece of trash." Mabel went back to watching the TV.

Stan came back inside. "Alright, let me get one thing straight. No one in this house is going anywhere near that Gideon! He's my business rival, and will likely try to use you to get at me. And even if he wasn't my business rival, he makes my life MISERABLE! So I better not hear of you even talking to that guy, you hear me?!"

"Yes, Grunkle Stan." They said in unison.

"And if he comes here, you two will hide in the back and Wendy will shoo him out. I don't want him to even know about you, got it?" Stan said firmly.

"But, Grunkle Stan, what if that camera recorded us?" Dipper asked.

"...Shhhhhhoot, you're right! That sneaky little rat!" Stan punched his fist into his hand. "If he comes near you while you're out in town, ignore him. Go into a store and lose him, got it? He's NOT touching my niece!"

"If only he'd been this aggressive about 'Normal Man'." Bill remarked quietly. Dipper nodded.

"Speaking of going into town, we're low on milk and this kid likes it so I guess we gotta get it. Mabel, make a list of whatever we're low on and then take your brother and the golf cart and head for town." Stan said, walking over and sitting on the couch. "And remember, if you see Gideon you're going to ignore him."

"Yes, Grunkle Stan." Mabel got up and headed for the kitchen. "Dipper, come help me take notes!"

"Coming!" Dipper got up and went after her.

"Can I?"

"No." Mabel growled.

"But this is agonizingly slow!" Bill pouted. "Just a tad bit faster?"

"We'll wear out the tires!" Mabel shook her head.

"But it'll be fun!" Dipper smiled at her.

"What's not gonna be fun is explaining why the tires are in such bad shape right after they were replaced!" Mabel sighed. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride!"

"Fine..." The two males in the car with her sighed heavily.

"I mean, it's not like we'll run into trouble while we're on the—yikes!" The golf-cart hit something and was sent into a tailspin. She panicked and scrambled to stop it, but they were about to crash into a van and—then they were floating in the air?

"Is everyone alright?" A young voice with a southern accent asked. A blonde boy climbed out of the van, gripping a stone that was attached to his bolo tie. "That could've been disastrous!"

"Yes...thank you." Mabel slowly loosened her grip on the wheel as they set down on the road again. "Uhm...Dipper, did you see what we hit?" She looked over her shoulder.

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