Planning a Play

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"What we need is a distraction from the rumors that brought them here."

"Huh?" Mabel looked up from her knitting.

Gideon sighed. "Father and I found those agents outside the city yesterday and took them to Portland with us. They seem to have forgotten about their entire experience in Gravity Falls, so I think we're safe. But, as long as tourists are talking about the monsters, real or fake, the government is going to check on it." He explained.

"Oh." Mabel nodded. "So, what do we do?"

"I'm not sure. We need something big enough to distract the tourists." Gideon looked thoughtful. "Hm..."

"Why not do something in the playhouse?" Bill suggested. "If we can draw out the spirit and exorcise him before the performance, then that's killing two birds with one stone, right?"

" mean the guy in blue?" Mabel asked.

"I thought he was a wizard?" Dipper asked.

"Well, I didn't see or feel anything there, so whatever he is, he doesn't emit ANY type of energy." Bill shrugged. "Anyways, if we can get rid of him, then we don't have to worry about him giving teenagers evil CDs or whatever else he's doing."

"We'd have to clean the place up. It hasn't been used since before I was born." Gideon nodded. "I do like the idea, though. A glorious play is just the thing to distract the tourists."

"Who's gonna write it?" Dipper asked.

"I will! It'll be...a love story!" Mabel grinned. "I have SO many ideas, oh my gosh!" She put down her knitting and got up to get a notebook.

"Well, while she's writing the script, let's go round out some people and start cleaning that place up. We'll charge for tickets, bring in some more money into the town." Bill stood up and walked over to the door.

"Can I help?" Dipper asked.

"Well, you'll have to come, but I think you should keep away from the dust. Your fever's pretty much gone, but dust could aggravate it." Bill told him.

Gideon stood up. "I'll go gather my staff and call father." He walked out of the room past Bill.

Mabel came downstairs. "Oh, we're gonna need costumes! And music! We have to REALLY mesmerize!"

"You're really gung-ho about this!" Bill laughed. "Well, have fun with your writing!"

"I will." Mabel started scribbling away, sitting on the couch next to her forgotten knitting.

"So, let me get this straight. You want us to round up the town to clean up the old, possibly-haunted, playhouse and let you kids put on a play...just to draw out the creep that's haunting it?" Stan asked.

"Yes. That is exactly what we want." Bill nodded. "Are you in?"

"Well, heck, as long as I get to punch him!" Stan grinned. "That creep gave Robbie the black-magic CD, I'm in!"

"Great!" Dipper smiled.

"Oh? What's going on here?" Tad wondered as he paused by the playhouse. The doors were open, there were vehicles all over, and he could see people going in with cleaning supplies and tools. He walked over and tapped Bill on the shoulder, seeing as he was apparently overseeing them. "Hello, Cipher."

"Hm? Oh, hey!" Bill turned to him. "What're you doing here, Tad?"

"I was just on my daily walk and noticed the commotion. What's going on?" Tad asked.

"Oh, the kids are gonna put on a play, draw in some good publicity and crowds!" Bill grinned. "Wanna help us clean the place up?"

"A play? I thought the place was cursed? Something about every play going wrong, so they stopped using it?" Tad looked concerned.

Bill grinned. "Don't worry, if any spook shows up, I'll whack 'em!"

"Well, you do seem confident. I suppose I can help, but let me change into something more suitable." He turned and walked away.

"Alright, see you soon!" Bill waved to him.

"See you soon!" Dipper said, poking his head out from under Bill's coat.


A short while later, Tad returned dressed in an unusual outfit of a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans with work boots and gloves. "How can I help?" He asked.

"Wow, you're tie-less!" Dipper said in wonder.

"The tie would have gotten in the way." Tad said with a smile. "Show me where I can help."

Dipper skipped off and Tad and Bill followed him. "Thanks for your help. Shooting Star's been busy writing, and she recruited Gideon and the girls with helping her with the costumes so we've had to go outside our usual circle."

"Well, Mr. McGucket seems to be enjoying himself." Tad said, waving to the two McGuckets working on a damaged part of the wall. "I'm jut concerned that all this effort will lead to nothing but heartbreak when trouble strikes."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens." Bill assured him. "You mind painting?"

"Painting is fine." Tad walked over and picked up a paintbrush from the pile, going to join the others. He glanced at the rafters, where glowing blue eyes were glaring at the crowd before they disappeared from sight.

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