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"Hey, why is this date completely blacked out on the calendar?" Bill asked, poking at it.

"Oh, that's because it's Soos' birthday, but he doesn't celebrate it." Wendy explained.

"Whaaaat? Why not?" Mabel asked.

"He has his reasons." Stan said gruffly, rubbing at his shoulder. He had a suspicious burn on his shoulder, but it didn't look like it had been caused by fire. More like lightning?

"Like what?" Mabel asked.

"Shooting Star, maybe it's best not to ask." Bill told her.

"I'm gonna ask him." Mabel nodded. "It doesn't make sense not to celebrate the day you were born!"

"Makes sense to me." Bill shrugged. "I've never celebrated it, either. Well, not for many, many years."

"We'll have to throw a party for you, too." Mabel nodded firmly.

"Mabel, don't. Just don't." Stan sighed. "If you want to do something nice for him, take him to the arcade or something but don't tell him it's for his birthday."

"We can pay a visit to Rumble and Giffany!" Dipper said happily.

"Or you could take him to Laser Tag. That's always fun." Wendy suggested.

"Laser Tag?" Bill gaped at her. "With LASERS?!"

"It's just lights, don't worry." Gideon assured him as he finished braiding Mabel's hair for her. "It's actually rather fun, the few times I've gone."

"So...just lights. Okay." Bill nodded.

"Enough talk. If everyone's done eating, it's time to open up shop!" Stan walked out of the room.

"So, it's decided. Laser Tag on his birthday, and we'll coincidentally go out to eat and order some cake afterwards." Mabel nodded.

"Father's going to the hospital that day, and mother and I are accompanying him. He's...not doing so well." Gideon said, sighing. "But, let me know how it goes, okay?"

"We'll save you some cake." Mabel kissed him lightly and Gideon blushed pink.

"Mabel, gross!" Dipper made a face.

Mabel grinned at him and went out to the shop. "Come on, Gideon, let's open up shop! Bill, did you feed the lizards?"

"Yes, I fed the lizards." Bill replied.


"This is real nice of you guys." Soos said as they entered the Laser Tag building. "I haven't done this in years!"

"I haven't done it in ever!" Dipper said cheerfully.

"Well, you're in for a treat!" Soos laughed.

"Let's pay and suit up." Mabel went to the desk.

Bill looked around. "Okay...seems safe enough, if they're letting kids play."

"It's perfectly safe." Wendy assured hm, walking over to look at pictures displaying kids playing the game.

"I guess I'll see for myself. My experience with lasers isn't safe, but it does look fun." Bill smiled.

"Okay, let's go in!" Mabel said excitedly.

They went inside and suited up before being let in. It was dimly-lit and foggy inside, and Bill could feel all his senses being ambushed at once. He felt greatly unnerved, but then he heard a sound that made him grab Dipper and Mabel and duck around a corner.

"Bill, what--" Mabel started, but Bill covered her mouth and looked out cautiously. Just as he feared, Time Cops were walking around in the fog, searching for something – or someone. What did they want?

"Targets spotted, prepare to apprehend."

Targets? Plural? Who were they looking for? They were coming his way, but—OH!

"You two are coming with us." One of them said to Mabel, who had looked out at them.

"Uh, no? You're strangers." Mabel said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Are you resisting arrest?" One of them asked aggressively.

"Arrest? For what? Are you a cop?" Dipper asked.

"Don't act like you don't know--"

"Ah, officer! I'm going to have to step in here. These two have no recollection of their previous encounter with your honorable forces." Bill said, walking over to them. "Their memories were wiped after the incident occurred, you may find if you look in their file."

"Is that right? Let me contact headquarters." One of them said, opening a gauntlet to reveal a screen.

"Buzz Lightyear!" Dipper gasped.

"You look familiar..." The other Time Cop said, narrowing his eyes at Bill.

"I do have a bit of a record...I've reformed, though. Now, what are you here for? The Time Cops decided it wasn't worth pursuing, the one in the wrong was the Time Cop Blendin." Bill asked.

"Blendin has challenged them to Globnar to regain his honor." The Cop replied.

"G-GLOBNAR?! These kids?! No, there must be a mistake!" Bill insisted.

"There is no mistake. They must compete against him in Globnar." The Cop replied.

"Globnar? You've mentioned that before." Dipper commented.

Bill sighed. "Globnar is a multiverse gladiator ring. The winner gets a Time Wish and can order the death of their opponent. It's a brutal event."

"But, we're just kids!" Mabel cried.

"There are no exceptions for Globnar." The Time Cop replied coldly.

Bill pursed his lips tightly, thinking. "Allow me to assist them. I have been through Globnar before, I know what to expect. And I...I was the one who pointed out the Time Cop in the first place. If anyone should battle him for his honor, it's me."

The Time Cop looked at the other one. "Was there someone else?"

"There was a pig. Wait, there was a powerful energy entity in the boy's backpack." The other one nodded. "Story checks out. Let's transport them all, Time Baby will determine their fate."

"Will you restore their memories, too?" Bill asked.

"Yes, we will. Hold still, we have to scan you." The cops aimed their gauntlets at them and a light shone on the trio. Then they pushed a button and there was a flash of bright light. When they could see again, they were in a strange room, with a large window looking out at an arena.

"Where are we?" Dipper asked,

Bill sighed. "Pine Tree, Shooting Star, welcome to the Multiverse. Destination: Globnar."

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