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"Voooooooom, vooooom!" Dipper turned the wheel with a grin. "I'm an expert~!"

Bill chuckled a bit, pushing the pedal for him. "Sure, kid."

"Why are all these machines so big?" Dipper passed the finish line and got off, looking over at where Robbie and Lee were battling each other in Fight Fighters. "I wanna play that game."

"Because it's not made for kids." Robbie told him. "This place is made for teenagers. If you want kid games, go to the mall. There's that pizza place."

"But Soos wanted to come here." Dipper walked over and stood next to the game. "Can I play next?"

"Oh, sure, if you can magically levitate." Robbie rolled his eyes.

"Robbie, be nice. I know you're annoyed about him calling your music noisy, but he's just a kid." Lee told him.

"Ugh, I've lost interest." Robbie left the game and walked off.

"Sorry about him, kiddo." Lee smiled. "I can pick you up and you can play against the computer."

"Hey, thanks!" Dipper reached up to him.

"Lee, seriously? The rest of us are going!" Robbie called.

"Just one game! You know Wendy would do it for him!" Lee called back, putting in quarters for Dipper to start playing.

"Ugh, FINE!" Robbie walked over and sat on a bench to wait.

"Why is he so grumpy?" Dipper asked.

"He wanted to surprise Wendy with a movie, but she's out of town." Lee shrugged. "Okay, so you move this knob and push these buttons."

"Like this?" Dipper started moving the knob and pushing the buttons at random.

"Yeah, that's it." Lee grinned. "You're catching on quick, we'll make a gamer out of you yet!"

Dipper grinned and continued playing. Bill sat on his shoulder, watching him play, and then when Dipper got knocked out and had to put in more coins to continue so Lee set him down. "Sorry, kid. I told Robbie one game. See ya." He rubbed Dipper's head and walked off. Robbie got up and then the teens all left.

"Aww." Dipper pouted and then looked around. "Hey, where's Soos?"

"I dunno." Bill shrugged. "Want me to use my powers and float you up?"

"Nah." Dipper started to walk away, then paused. "Ohh, a secret code!" He knelt down to read it. "'To unleash ulti....ultimate power'. Bill, can we try it?"

Bill shrugged. "Sure, why not? Got a quarter?" Dipper pulled one out of his pocket and Bill put it in before going up. "Alright, read it out."

"Left, left, P, P, right, left, down, K, K, is that a diagonal? P, P, P, K." Dipper read out.

Bill hit the buttons for him, focusing his powers on the machine to do so, and then the power suddenly went out. "Whoops."

"What happened?" Dipper asked.

"I dunno, but it's a good thing Robbie's already gone." Bill shrugged, then bit back a yelp of surprise as the machine started to shake under him. "What in the--?!" He flew over and landed on Dipper's hat, preparing for a fight if need-be.

"Uh, Soos?" Dipper called.

Then the machine flashed a bright blue light and a voice spoke. "SELECT YOUR CHARACTER!"

"Uhm...what was the name of the guy we just played?" He looked at Bill, shielding his eyes from the light.

"Rumble McSkirmish." Bill told him.

Little DipperWhere stories live. Discover now