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the fear

when people are told the world is ending they initially panic
their bodies shake and reek of this word i hate and never use

the fear

the kind that looks like hearing but never really listening

the kind that feels like surfacing from a lifetime of wasted time

you might even wonder
who was i?

i spent so much time trying to forget

i tend to overthink
but please
let me overanalyze this

trust me they are just words to some
extent but allegedly
on a mid autumn night's dream

you stupidly said
you wanted to hear everything 
he is so shitty for saying such bullshit

now stubbornly
rather he listens or not
i will do it

this is about him
but it isn't for him

it's for me
and the all the strangers who will never know he

in a way i think we all know he
the person that is seemingly simple
terribly one thing
but when you ask them
he is
a lot of things

almost too many
it bugs me
it makes me feel things i don't understand
he makes me think

and i am still thinking
even though the world is ending

the tide will take over
the lonely one

it's blue
it's so blue and dark and scary

but if i get to hold onto one song only
while i lie under it

at least ill enjoy this apocalypse

this is the beginning of the end.

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