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it did get warmer. really quickly. the days started to heat up to about 75-80 degrees. it wasn't bad but it was getting much worse. i just stayed inside packing up new valuables just in case we had to suddenly leave.

he didn't know, but i was packing because we had to leave. i had finally figured out the road to the answer.

"hey, what're you doing?" eli appeared in the doorway of my grandmother's room.

i was packing up my favorite perfume she wore. it was called angel. white diamonds was a close favorite as well.

"oh, just packing things up," i said nonchalantly, continuing to pack.

he grabbed my wrist suddenly, "but why?" he looked confused.

"we can't stay here forever," i sighed turning around to face him.

he dropped the book in his hand. it made a light thud on the carpet. "but we could," he encouraged with a smile. he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest. "imagine. me and you. your favorite place. until we die."

i laughed and pushed him away playfully, "i don't wanna be here forever eli. we have to find the answer. so we like...won't die."

he shrugged and slumped down next to me on the bed. "we're all gonna die anyways," he said, raising his eyebrows at me. fuck those eyebrows. to be honest, they were thick and pretty, but they always distracted me. in the good way.

i smiled and let out a sigh, "guess so," i leaned back on the bed and i stared up at the purple canopy above me.

then i thought about what he had said a little bit more. us. here. forever?

it was my turn to be eyebrows once again. i stared at the tattoos on his bare back. he started to light a cigarette at the end of the bed. he does these things. his habits are treacherous, but to me...he's just eli. he just does what he does. and that's cool i guess.

"forever is a long time," i said. he didn't really react or turn around.

"i know," he sighed when he let out smoke from the cigarette. he was so attractive. i hated the fact that i always was taking a mental note of this.

there was that comfortable silence i always spoke of again.

i started to trace my fingers across the velvety sheets. i was just. thinking. "forever?" i repeated.

he groaned and leaned back into the bed next to me scooping me in his arms. i let out a little yelp in surprise. "yes, forever," he assured in that deep melancholic voice of his. he used his tone to spite me. little does he know, i quite enjoy angsty annoyed men. for the plot of course. they can be a handful, but i am too, so i like it quite a lot actually.

"what makes you think i wouldn't like to be around you for forever? isn't this forever?" he asked looking down at me. i was laying on his chest curled up like a kid. i liked when he held me like this. it made me feel something special.

i thought about it for a second, gnawing on my lower lip. "i don't get it," i admitted. sometimes eli was just too much a deep and fast thinker for me.

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