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i wanted him to understand how much i felt and didn't feel.

"wake up!" I shouted at him. he was annoying. he got piss drunk every night this week. i think it's because of the dew drops incident.

the dew drops incident:

there was something burning my skin. i jumped awake and felt something hot leaking onto my face. started to panic. "help! help me! help!" i screamed out.

he came running. looking around frantically. "what? what is it?" he screamed. he looked at me right in my eyes and saw nothing.

"i'm burning! my face is burning!" i looked in the bathroom mirror jumping up and down. it was the middle of the night. he slept on the couch. i slept on the bed. he said he was a gentleman in the real world.

i didn't believe him.

"shit, shit, shit," he cursed. he turned on the shower and nothing came out. he pulled back the curtains and revealed the full murky looking bathtub with strange looking water.

my eyes burned so bad. i couldn't open them. he grabbed me and pulled me into the tub.

"i can't see!" i cried out. thrashing in the water. i was terrified.

"shhh, shhh," he hushed. he wiped my face with water, splashing in all over me as I shivered. everything was so cold.

there were big icy chunks in the bath. so cold i felt like i would pass out.

"hey, can you see?" he asked calmly. i felt like i was falling. so i said nothing.

he shook me a little, i started to slip away completely dazed. "hello?! are you okay?" he shouted this time.

the last i heard of him was his soft pleas for me to wake up. i did not.


i was some place warm.

i felt that i was some place warm.

i slowly opened my eyes. the garage felt like amber. i was in my underwear. all of my layers were on the floor.

i almost thought of the worst thing possible. until i looked at him. he was shirtless, hugging me close to his warm skin, rocking me back and forth and blowing his warm breath on me.

there was so much fire in the garage. he had set so much on fire to keep me warm.

"elias?" i called, my throat was sore and i felt like i hadn't talked in days.

he jumped, "oh, thank God," he cried, he pulled me closer, hugging me tightly. "i thought i lost you," he said softly.

i tried clearing my throat, but it felt so hoarse. "what happened?" i asked. i just remember waking up feeling like my whole body was burning. like i was crying acid rain.

"you had an allergic reaction," he said. "i don't know what or how, but i know. your whole body turned red and your eyes got so puffy they sealed shut. you know...i thought you died."

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