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trigger warning: SA.

we were having breakfast.

everything was great. elias was smiling. i was smiling too. we loved each other now. i didn't know if that meant we had to be any different or not, but i continued on the same way.

"do you think you could cut my hair?" he asked suddenly, looking up from his bowl of oatmeal.

i looked to my left and right, pointing at myself. he nodded again. "i can give you a really bad haircut," i offered. "if that's what you're into."

he nodded, "oh, yeah, that's my kink actually. bad haircuts. really gets me going," he said with that smug face of his.

i rolled my eyes trying not to give him the satisfaction of being the funniest person in the world. only because it was ending of course. i think some comedians might give him a run for his money. he had that dry sarcastic comedic timing that i adored. he was the jim carrey of angsty sad boys.

i ran my hand through his messy hair. it was now close to shoulder length at this point. "i like it long," i pouted.

he swallowed, looking down, "i like what you like. that's settled. i'm turning into a caveman for you."

i rolled my eyes at his words and i kept eating. i wondered what he would look like with short hair. i tried to imagine in my mind.

moments later i had decided. and eli was sitting on the edge of the tub while i bent down cutting his hair for him. the brown strands fell to the floor like moon dust. i tried my best to cut it even. it looked more like a wolf cut now. i was not a barber, so it definitely wasn't amazing.

but now i could see his eyes more. i used an elastic hair band i found and pulled his hair into a little ponytail. i pulled out two pieces of hair in the front of his eyes to make it look nice.

the whole time was staring at me like he does. no shame, just staring like a psycho. i liked it though.

"can i cut yours?" he asked suddenly, touching a long strand from one of my braids that fell loose.

i shrugged, "as long as you make me look good," i decided. i sat down in his place now. he didn't even look in the mirror when i finished, he just started unbraiding my hair, running his hands along the curls.

"nothin' could make you ugly," he muttered matter of factly. i scoffed and he kept on doing my hair.

"you didn't even look at yours," i pointed out.

"yes i did," he answered.

"no you didn't," i replied, confused.

he sighed a little, "you looked at me like i was..." he didn't finish. i raised an eyebrow. "if you like it, i love it. and i can see you like it, right?" he asked, looking down for my answer.

my heart skipped a few beats. i tried to ignore that. "yeah..." i trailed off. he would embarrass me with the stupidest things.

he nodded and got the scissors for mine. i was never really a big fan of hair anyways. i didn't really care about it anymore. i had no desire to look any kind of way. the world was ending.

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