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it was the first time the snow started to clear. everything started melting at a dramatic rate. the house wasn't so cold anymore. and we didn't have to wear our coats inside. but we knew what this meant. it meant there was going to be a heatwave soon. and i didn't know which one would be worse.

i liked the between stages. i liked right now. we could still breathe the air and nobody was trying to break into my grandpa's house. everything was okay and almost felt normal.

but that's mostly because of elias taking care of me and like...everything else too. not that i couldn't figure it out. i just spent most days going through my grandfather's notes. he predicted this kind of thing would happen and he had a slew of ideas to survive the seemingly unstoppable.

but we would have to leave soon. i knew that.

"we are down to our last few cans of soup," eli appeared in my grandpa's office on the second floor. "what's the plan?" he asked.

i looked up from the notebook i was writing in.

"you look pretty," i said looking him up and down.

he tried not to smile, "i'm not fucking pretty," he failed, letting out a laugh. i loved to throw him off.

he gently took the book from my hands, looking down at me in the chair. "the plan?" he repeated.

"i'm sorry i can't focus i just keep getting lost in your eyes," i said breathlessly, faking excitement.

he blushed, if we could. "i hate you oh my God focus," he kept laughing. and i kept smiling. ideally that's the way i liked to keep things. i liked when he laughed so much he held his sides. i liked when he smiled and showed his teeth. i liked when his body relaxed around me. i liked when his persona could drift farther and farther away each time he was with me. i liked the person he was before. i don't think he knows who he is anymore.

that's what i liked about him. he was a mystery.

i felt lucky to even be around him sometimes. and i didn't know how to explain that. he just understood what i meant before i would even say it sometimes.

i actually did start to get lost in his eyes for lack of a better word. my joke turned real. he was really kind. all of a sudden. my stubborn evil friend likes me?

he sighed and leaned forward placing his hands on either side of the desk. "fine. we don't have to think about the plan today," he said softly. "we can just forget about it, but just today. after today we have to change. the world is ending you know."

"i know," i nodded. i reached for my notebook with a sigh.

"but not today," he slapped the notebook to the floor making me gasp. "today is for us."

i rolled my eyes, "yeah? how so? there's nothing to do-ah!" i gasped again as he lifted me out of my chair, carrying me wedding style out of the room. "dude, what the fuck?" i just kept laughing. he was so random at times.

"we should go outside. it's sunny. you need vitamin d," he reminded. he looked at me and i looked at him. we bursted out in laughter. "i mean it, stop being so childish."

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