Chapter 28

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Sage hadn't taken her eyes off the human since the moment they found him. The blonde had gone to the station and ended up running into Melissa and Agent McCall and when the older McCall man read back over the phone transcript that his son had with Stiles he and Sage both made the link as to where Stiles would be.

Sage was kicking herself that she didn't figure that out sooner, she was kicking herself even more that it took her this long, the bond wasn't helping and it frustrated her. The vampire hated the gut-wrenching scream that ripped from the boy's lungs when she began pulling him out of Malia's coyote den, she hadn't heard him scream like that since his nightmares and it scared her but what scared her, even more, was how pale he was, how his eyes didn't hold the bright glint she was so used to.

"He's sleeping but, he'll be okay. He doesn't remember much. It's a bit like a dream to him." Sage's ears perked from the sound of the sheriff's voice, Noah was watching his son as the nurses checked him over. The vampire could tell that the older Stilinski was worried for his only son and that was understandable, all the supernatural shit going on only for his son to be sleepwalking.

Sage didn't know what to do, she thought he was getting better—he hadn't had any nightmares from what she could tell and Allison and Scott weren't suffering anymore so she had no idea why Stiles wasn't okay. Sage's eyes wandered over to the door and she made eye contact with the young werewolf, he signalled for her to come out. She hesitated, she didn't want to be away from Stiles for even a second but she could tell that the McCall boy needed to talk to her.


"How is he?"

"He's sleeping now. I know that's not what you wanted to talk about Scott, the sheriff already told you that. What do you want?"

Scott shifted his eyes away from the blonde before swallowing uncomfortably. "I don't know if Stiles mentioned this but, he thought that it was probably him that told Barrow to go after Kira. He said he had the classroom key but couldn't find it, so I just thought it was probably his imagination."

Sage blinked at the boy in front of her, she thought she misheard him for a second. "He had some stupid key that had phosphors on it and got all in a huff about it but that doesn't mean he fucking left a message to kill Kira. Scott, do you hear yourself? Stiles can't even kill spiders without my help, you think he's capable of killing someone, capable of telling a serial killer to kill someone?"

"Well no but—"

"No buts Scott, he's just sleep-deprived okay--- he's fine." She told him bluntly before going back into Stiles' hospital room. Scott sighed as he stared at the door, he knew the blonde wouldn't take it well so he wasn't all that shocked. The alpha turned to look at the strawberry blonde who was looking anywhere but him which only seemed to confuse the young McCall but he let it go.

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