Chapter 11

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Sage gasped as soon as she woke up, looking around frantically until her eyes met the sight of her snoring boyfriend. "Hey." The vampire snapped her head towards the strawberry blonde who she hadn't noticed was perched right beside her. She had been laid upon Stiles's bed while the boy was currently snoring away on his desk chair.

After the spell and they were certain that Sage was okay they decided to move her somewhere more comfortable and the Stilinski boy immediately thought of his home. Sage may as well have moved in, she spent most of her nights there and if you looked carefully you would bits and pieces of her things.

Lydia had been reluctant to let the witch leave after she saved her guardian, she knew Sage would have wanted to see her but Ophelia had places to be and she knew Sage would understand that. So along with Stiles, Lydia had been waiting for the blonde vampire to wake up and it had been approximately an hour since the spell was complete.

"W-what, what happened?" Sage breathed out as she still looked around the room in confusion, she couldn't really remember what happened- her brain was foggy but she wasn't going to push herself, she unconsciously has been through the pain of trying to remember something and even if she didn't mentally remember that pain, her body did, and it did not want to chance it to go through that again.

"You passed out at the Motel after we discovered the bite and you've been out ever since." Sage's furrowed her brows as she pulled up her sleeve, she was expecting to be greeted by an infected looking werewolf bite but to her surprise, there was nothing there.

Lydia sensing her surprise spoke up before she could fire any more questions, "We brought you to Deaton and he tried everything, but we got lucky when your witch friend Ophelia called. All she had to do was a spell and you had to drink Stiles' blood. Which essentially was a cure by the way." Sage looked over at the sleeping human who didn't look any different from the last time she set eyes on him, she was so against drinking his blood again because she thought her blood lust wasn't under control but it seems like this whole time it was a bond thing.

"You're in some serious shit by the way."

Sage blinked, "Wh-what, why?"

"How the fuck could you not let us in on that little—no, not little, huge detail. You hang around werewolves Sage, this is something we should have known." Lydia ranted as she told the vampire off, Sage felt guilty as she watched the worry swim through the strawberry blonde's added coloured eyes.

"I know I should have told you guys, but I thought I would be careful. I'm sorry I worried you guys so much." Sage told the girl sincerely, Lydia stared at her guardian before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm starting to wonder if it's me with the super strength." Lydia laughed through her cries which had essentially waking up the Stilinski boy.

"Your awake!"

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