Chapter 4

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MARIA GROANED AS SHE woke up, but this time, she felt a weight on her chest, she's human again. She looks down, seeing blonde hair. Her face goes red as Enid lets out soft snores on her chest. She looks at Wednesday, seeing she's still asleep. 'Uh... WHAT DO I DO? GAYPANICGAYPANICGAYPANIC-' If you didn't realise, Maria is going through a gay panic.


Enid shifts slightly, digging her face deeper into Maria's chest. 'uH-' Maria panicked. Wednesday starts to wake up. The newly awoken girl looks over. Maria makes eye contact with her. "A little help?!" Maria whisper-shouts over to Wednesday, who looked at Enid and Maria with a calculative look in her eye. She walks over and goes to move Enid, but the sleepy blonde had other plans and grabbed Wednesday, bringing her down on the bed.

Do now both of them are laying on Maria and she is trapped because Enid has a death grip on the both of them. "Wow my knight in shining armour." Maria teased as Wednesday glared at her. "Ill skin you and feed it to the dogs." She threatened. "Not a hugger at all." Wednesday murmured, annoyed at the physical touch of another human being.

"Your threats are normally more gruesome. I didn't know you liked me that much Wednesday, you going soft on me?" Maria teased, poking the girls cheek. Wednesday's eye twitches slightly and she pinches Maria's thigh hard from where her hand placement is trapped. "Ow! What was that for?" Maria whined. Wednesday deadpanned slightly.

Enid shifts, making them turn their attention to her. She yawns and wakes up, she opens her eyes, making eye contact with Wednesday. She shifts her eyes to Maria, who is also looking at her. "AH!" Enid jumped, falling off her bed, making Maria burst out laughing. Wednesday's lips quirk up slightly in amusement before it disappears. Enid jumps up. "What are you both doing in my bed?" Enid asked, groggy.

"Well. I fell asleep here, you fell asleep on me. And when Wednesday tried to wake you, you dragged her onto me so basically you both dog piled me." Maria deadpanned. Wednesday still hasn't moved, which made Maria look at her in confusion. "Uh, Wednesday... you're still kind of.. on me?" Maria said, thinking the girl didn't know.

"Wow. Didn't know you were smart." Wednesday said, sarcastically before getting of Maria. Said girl looked offended. "Hey! I am smart!" Both girls in the dormitory send her deadpan looks, making her squawk in offence. "Is it because I'm Ginger?! It's because I'm ginger isn't it!" Maria complained, glaring at them both.


It was the night of a festival or something. Maria grumbled, Wednesday dragged her along so she didn't have to go alone with this Tyler guy she met. She decided to put on some cargo pants, a red shirt and a black leather jacket with some combat boots. Wednesday hurried her out of the academy. They saw a car at the entrance, seeing Weems. Maria looked at Wednesday with a deadpan stare. "You didn't tell me Weems was driving us." Maria said.

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