Chapter 21

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MARIA LISTENED TO THE whispers, bewildered, Apparently Xavier has been arrested for being the Hyde, which was the culprit behind the attacks. That's what they are called? She quickly runs up to Bianca's dorm. She bursts through the door, making Bianca jump. "What the fuck-" Bianca cursed. "Xavier was arrested?" Maria asked and Bianca nodded solemnly. "Yeah apparently he's some psycho monster." Bianca mumbled.

Maria throws an arm around Bianca's shoulder. "Don't worry B, there's more fish in the sea." Maria smirked and Bianca rolled her eyes amused. "Wow, how poetic." Bianca snarked with a smile. Maria checked the time. "Shoot I have a basketball game. See you later." Maria said, grabbing her Jersey and shorts, as-well as her socks, trainers, and towel. Bianca nodded and bid her farewells and Maria rushed through the door.

Maria rushes towards the gym, Coach Smith grinning when seeing her. "Borisyuk! Good to see you." Coach said, making Maria grin at the mention of her mothers maiden name, Weems must have changed it on the register. She held her hand out for coach and they shook hands in greeting.

"Good to see you Coach." Maria replied, grinning. Coach snorted and smacked her back roughly. "Get changed brat." He laughed and Maria jogged to the changing rooms. She got changed as quick as she could and jogged out of the changing rooms, doing her hair up.

"Alright. Today, we will be playing against Jericho High School." Coach said, gesturing to the stands where the Jericho Students stood up, which Maria just noticed they were there. A bunch of Nevermore students and teachers who came to support their school, including Weems.

Both of the Coach's shook hands. Maria stood in front of Jericho's team captain, a strained grin on her face. "May the best team win." Maria said, gripping the students hand tightly, the student tightly smiled back, gripping back tightly. "May the best team win." They said and they let go off each other's hands, a bit forcefully. Maria commanded the team.

"Alright. I want a clean game." Coach Smith announced, before blowing his whistle, starting the match. Their centre hit the ball over to Nevermore's side, and Maria grinned, jumping up and catching it. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she jumps back up and aims before shooting in the hoop, the buzzer sounds, signalling a three pointer for Nevermore, making them cheer.

This continued until it was a tight match. Nevermore behind by 1 point, Maria gets the ball passed to her. Sweat drips off her skin and she uses her free hands to wipe the sweat off her chin as she runs, bouncing the ball with her and she dodges Jericho's players.

A player goes to intercept her, but she stands up straight and uses her right hand, which is holding the ball to pretend to pass it to the player next to her, but she doesn't let go of the ball, and the player slides across the floor and Maria smirked at the ankle breaker she pulled. She shoots and both teams watch with bated breaths as the ball soars through the air, landing on the hoop rim, it spins on the rim before it falls in the hoop, at the same time the buzzer goes.

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