Maria Ivanov didn't give a shit no more.
She likes to cause trouble.
A mischief maker.
A rebellious teen.
A werewolf.
What happens when she moves to Nevermore from Russia, not even a day after Wednesday because no school could handle her.?
#1 - #eni...
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Maria freaked out. 'What the fuck!? What's happening?! what do I do?!' Maria started panicking, the energy in her hands went out of control and it sent out a spike of energy to the wall next to her, making a hole it in, rubble flying at her making her fall on her behind, so she blocks her face, feeling rubble hit her arm. 'Okay Maria, calm down. Breath in, Breath out.' Maria slowly breathed in and out until she calmed down.
She looks at the energy in her hand before a wisp flies out. It starts to go somewhere but it stops, seeing Maria isn't following. It moves, like it's gesturing Maria to follow her. "You want me to follow you..?" She asked the wisp. 'Oh I'm going crazy talking to a wisp of magic.' Maria thought. The wisp nodded. And Maria sighed, looking behind her before looking at the floating energy wisp. "Fine but if you kill me I'll haunt your magic." Maria joked. 'I'm joking with a wisp of magic.. Im such a idiot.'
She follows the wisp, avoiding the public before making it to the edge of the forest. "Oh god." Maria sighed, jogging after the wisp as it leads her to a tree. She stops. "You lead me into a forest to stare at a tree.?" The wisp hits her in the forehead and shook from left to right, gesturing No.
"ow, alright alright what?" Maria asked, the wisp moves closer to the tree, Maria looks closer seeing a button. "What's this?" Maria mumbled. She presses it. Suddenly, a door shape appeared in the tree trunk and it goes into the ground. Like a government secret lockdown level 10 door or whatever.
The wisp flies into the door and Maria follows, the door shuts behind her and and the floor below her starts moving down, like an elevator. "Woah!" Maria nearly falls but the wisp of magic pushes her up, making Maria give it a bewildered look. "Wow your strong." The wisp twirls around, like a thank you.
Suddenly, instead of dirt moving around them, glass appears and Maria looks around and her eyes widen. It's a giant underground bunker. Suddenly, a holographic screen appears, but it seems to be made out of magic. It has buttons on it, saying names of each floor it has.
The wisp flies infront of a button. "Study." Maria read. She presses it and it lights up. "Woah." Maria awed. The elevator thingy stops. The wisp flies out as the tube door opens. Maria jogging after it. She slowly stops, her mouth agape in awe. "Woah. How did you know about this?"
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