Chapter 35

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WEDNESDAY RAISED AN EYEBROW when a knock sounded at the door. She walked downstairs and opened it with a glare, only for it to soften when it reveals Maria with a shit ton of bags full of presents and Enid behind her, with a bag, because Maria insisted she carried them all.

"Wednesday!" Enid exclaimed, grinning and pulling the girl into a hug, who slowly hugged her back. Maria ruffled Wednesday's hair with a grin, who grumbled "Merry Christmas!" Maria said. "Merry Christmas.." Wednesday replied, a bit hesitant, and lets them in and leads them into the house.

Maria saw a Christmas tree with a bunch of freaky ornaments on it. But she smiled, it's how the Addams family do things. If that's how they want it, then she wouldn't judge. She took the presents out of the bags carefully and placed them under the tree, Enid doing the same. Wednesday watching. "Why so many presents?" Wednesday asked, raising an eyebrow.

Maria grinned and turned to Wednesday, continuing to place presents down. "Only the best for you guys of course!" Maria said and Wednesday's heart fluttered. She still remembered the pen sword Maria gave her. Even though she was cold and doesn't like things a lot. She cherished it. It was a literal weapon, a bonus is that it was from Maria.

Gomez entered the room and grinned at the sight of Maria and Enid. "Maria, Enid! Good to see you!" Gomez said, and Maria shook his hand. "Great to see you again." Maria replied as Gomez gave Enid a handshake. "Hello Mr. Addams." Enid chirped. Gomez smiled and placed a hand on his heart. "Merry Christmas." He said and both girls smiled.

"Merry Christmas." They said together, making Gomez laugh. Morticia and Pugsley entered the room. They exchanged greetings before they all sat down on couches or on the floor, Maria on the floor because she thinks it's comfortable. Wednesday nodded in agreement at that. #floorgang

"Maria dear, did the police find out about the grave?" Morticia asked, starting a conversation. Maria shook her head with a grin, leaning her head on her hand as she sat in a criss cross position on the floor. "Of course not." Maria replied and Enid gave her a weird look. "Uh, what are we talking about?" Enid asked.

Wednesdays mind clicked in realisation. "That night we went on a walk. You went grave digging with my mother?" Wednesday asked, a bit bewildered. Maria shrugged. "I arrived, she was there, we had a shed and a shovel, a stick of dynamite and a couple of fireworks. I think you can figure it out." Maria smiled as Wednesday thought.

"You grabbed a shovel, dug a grave, blew it up, set off fireworks and drove away." Wednesday figured it out. Maria clapped her hands as Enid sighed, used to their antics. "Bingo! But then we got manicures after of course." She said, and Morticia smiled. "It was a fun night." Morticia said and Maria nodded.

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