Chapter 31

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MARIA SCRATCHED HER HEAD as she looked at the tall woman infront of her, Maria is still shocked this beautiful woman is 5,11. "So, what are we doing?" Maria asked. Morticia smiled as she stood infront of the door. "I want to get to know one of Wednesday's girlfriends better." Morticia said and Maria nodded.

Morticia exited the house Maria lent the Addams family and walked to the garden, Maria following like a lost puppy as Morticia makes it to the shed. She opens the door and enters and Maria stands in the shed doorway, confused as fuck as why Morticia Addams is in her shed - during night time - searching it in one of her properties after telling her she wanted to get to know her daughters girlfriend better.

Morticia gasps and picks up a shovel with a smile. She turns to Maria. "Let's go." She said and Maria nodded absentmindedly, still confused as she followed Morticia to Maria's car. "Where are we going?" Maria asked when she got into the car as Morticia got in the passenger seat, after putting the shovel in the back.

Morticia grinned slightly. Maria took a sip of water from the bottle next to her as she rolls down her window. "We're going grave digging." Morticia said and Maria widens her eyes and spits her water out the window, coughing slightly. Morticia looked at her confused.

"Are you okay?" Morticia asked as Maria hit her chest, giving the woman a thumbs up. "I'm good. I'm good." Maria replied, sighing slightly. "Which graveyard..?" Maria asked and Morticia grins, happy the girl was going through with it. She gave her directions and Maria put the car out of park and took off.

"Have you ever been grave digging before?" Morticia asked and Maria shook her head. "I can't say I have. Unless you count trying to put someone into an early grave then no." Maria joked and Morticia chuckled slightly. "So, how did you first meet Wednesday?" Morticia questioned, looking at the ginger girl as Maria keeps her eyes on the road, making a turn.

"Interesting story actually. Our dorm mom - who is a psychopath who tried to wipe out the outcasts, revived Joseph Crackstone who stabbed Wednesday, who then got healed by some ghost named Goody Addams, who I believe is your ancestor. She also manipulated a Hyde, which was obsessed with Wednesday- dragged me into my dorm after I hid behind a wall. It's kind of hectic actually." Maria summarised.

Morticia had slightly wide eyes but a small smile on her face. "Sounds very fun." She said. Maria nodded. "A very eventful couple of weeks I must say." Maria replied, pulling up to a graveyard. "Alright, who's grave are we digging, what did they do, did they deserve it and most of all, do we need gloves because your nails look amazing." Maria complimented and Morticia smiled at the compliment.

"It's fine dear, I'll try not to get my hands dirty." Morticia said and Maria nodded. "We can get manicures after this if you want?" Maria suggested, getting out of the car and walking to Morticia's side, opening the car door for her and holding out a hand to help her out.

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