Chapter 6

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MARIA, ENID AND WEDNESDAY WALKED into Ms. Thornhill's class. Wednesday finds Thing behind a plant and decides to talk to him. Maria looks down, seeing her shoes are untied, she fumbles with the laces, trying to tie them up. "How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday asked, making Thing shrug?

Wednesday looked at him with slightly wide eyes. "A leftie wouldn't have failed me." Maria looks up from tying her laces. "Dang Wednesday that was cold." She said, making Wednesday roll her eyes. Thing sulked. "Don't sulk." Wednesday warned Thing. "I'm going to have to find the evidence myself, since you lost our only lead.." Wednesday said to thing.

Bianca's voice rung out. "I see you finally made a friend. Even if it is a plant." Bianca joked. Maria steps up from behind the plant, losing her balance slightly. "Woah! Oh she was talking to me, I was just doing my shoelaces." Maria said with a sheepish grin on her face.

Wednesdays eyes softened slightly at Maria defending her, before looking at Bianca with a deadpan stare. "I go for quality over quantity." Wednesday said. Maria smirks. "Guess I'm one quality girl." Maria boasts, throwing an arm around Wednesdays shoulder. Wednesday rolls her eyes slightly but doesn't shove her off this time, making Maria do a victory dance in her head. Bianca sends Maria a small smile before rolling her eyes at Wednesday.

Ms. Thornhill tells everyone to sit down and Xavier, the boy who was with Maria when Wednesday nearly got squished by a gargoyle, stole the seat next to Wednesday, making the girl huff and sits in the seat at the desk next to her, on Bianca's table. Bianca looks down slightly as the lesson started.

"Are you okay.?" Bianca asked. Maria looked at her confused. "You know, after the whole forest thing, where you were dying on the floor." Bianca said, making Maria hum in realisation. "Oh, no I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She sends Bianca a smirk and Bianca smiles slightly. Maria looks at Xavier, seeing him drawing a spider. "What's he doing? Aren't we in a greenhouse class? Don't tell me I came to art instead." Maria joked to Bianca making the girl snort slightly.

Xavier sends Maria a small death stare and Wednesday's lips quirk slightly. Xavier does some weird voodoo magic which makes the spider come to life. Maria watches in interest as Wednesday stares at him, unimpressed. "I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill said, making Maria snort. Xavier looks at Wednesday with a slight cocky smirk. "Admit it, you're a little impressed." He said.

Wednesday stares at the spider for a second, before slamming her hand down on it, making it disappear in a grey cloud of smoke. Students laugh and Maria sends Wednesday a smirk when the girl makes eye contact. Wednesday smiled slightly before looking away.

"Wednesday, we are thrilled to have you join us, on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Ms. Thornhill said, making Maria gain an offended look. "Bitch, what am I? A roach?" She mumbled to herself, Bianca snickering slightly. "Something you would like to share, Miss Ivanov?" Ms. Thornhill said, basically teleporting in front of their desk, making Maria and Bianca jump. "WOAH!- How the hell did she get there so quick.?" She whispered to Bianca, making the girl shrug.

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