Maria Ivanov didn't give a shit no more.
She likes to cause trouble.
A mischief maker.
A rebellious teen.
A werewolf.
What happens when she moves to Nevermore from Russia, not even a day after Wednesday because no school could handle her.?
#1 - #eni...
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MARIA GRINNED AS SHE held the GoPro above her head with the vlog stick. Eugene grinned as he stares at the camera, sitting on Maria's shoulders as they walk down a sidewalk. "hey guys!" Eugene waved at the camera. "I'm a blogger now." Maria joked before looking up at Eugene.
"Wanna tell the viewers what we're doing?" Maria asked and Eugene nodded. "We found a frozen lake and now me and Maria are going ice skating." Eugene said, and Bianca came out from behind Maria. "I'm here too." Bianca said, waving at the camera.
Eugene screamed in fright at the sight of Bianca. Maria laughed. "This is Bianca, my main bitch." Maria joked and Bianca smirked. "Hell yeah I am." Bianca nodded as they walk through a forest. They continue to chat for a while until they make it to a giant lake, which has frozen over.
Maria grinned and put Eugene down and giving him the GoPro. Maria let's out a breath off air, taking off the backpack on her back and taking out 3 pairs of ice skates. She handed the other 2 their sizes and Maria sat against a rock as she put on her pair.
When she put them on, she laid on her back and rolled down the small hill to get to the ice, making Bianca laugh. "MARIA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HAHA-"Bianca shouted, clutching her stomach. Maria laughed. "Do you expect me to break my ankles walking down the hill in fucking ice skates.?!" Maria shouted back, smiling at the GoPro Eugene had in his hand which was pointed to her.
Maria crouches before getting in the ice. "Woah-." Maria stumbled, placing both arms out in a T-pose to gain her balance. "Asserting my dominance to the ice." Maria laughed as she started skating around. Bianca and Eugene joined her and Bianca fell a few times and Maria mocked it as Bianca shouted at her.
She grabbed the GoPro from Eugene and smiled at him as he stumbles, she grabs him arm and helps him skate around. When he got the hang of it, she gave him the GoPro again and skated to Bianca. "Yo, B!" She laughed as she skidded next to the girl. "Do you think we could make a hole in the ice if we spun in a circle holding hands?" Maria asked and Bianca shrugged with a grin.
"Let's try it." Bianca said and Maria grinned, holding out both of her hands as Eugene records. Using a bit of werewolf strength, she pushes herself around and Bianca and Maria start spinning like a merry-go-round, or whatever you call them. Maria laughed as they started spinning faster. "OH SHIT MARIA IF WE SPIN ANY FASTER WE MIGHT TAKE OFF.-" Bianca wheezed and they felt the ice crack underneath them.
They widened their eyes. "Fuck." Was all they could say before the ice gave out from under them and they fell it. Maria's body gains goosebumps from the cold water as Bianca transforms into her Siren Persona and drags herself and Maria to the surface. Maria gasps as she surfaces hauling herself up onto the ice, laughing and teeth chittering. She helps up Bianca who transforms back into her Bianca persona.
"Are you guys okay?!" Eugene asked, skating over, being careful of the hole in the ice. Maria looked at him and grinned shakily, giving him a thumbs up, sitting next to Bianca. "Just p-peachy." Maria stuttered, standing up and helping up Bianca. "Let's go home before I get fucking hypothermia." Maria said and Eugene nodded as Maria carried a shivering, but grinning Bianca.
They make it to mainland and they take off their skates. Bianca, being the amazing idiot she is, forgot to bring extra clothes. Maria sighed and handed Bianca her clothes. Bianca looked at her concerned. "What about you?" Bianca asked. Maria grinned, shivering.
"I'll be fine, let's get you warm and dry first." Maria said, putting on her shoes and leading them out of the forest and to her Range Rover, Maria and Eugene wait outside the car as Bianca gets changed in the car, the black tinted windows blocking anyone from seeing the girl.
Maria grabs a towel from the back and places it on the drivers seat when Bianca finished as Eugene watches Maria, still recording. "First blog gone wrong." Maria joked, waving to the camera as Eugene ends the video. They all get into the car and Maria starts up the car, driving to Nevermore.
When they arrived, Maria parked and said her goodbyes to the other two as Eugene gave her the GoPro. Maria shivers as her wet clothes cling to her body. She makes it to the dorm and opens the door, gaining both Enid and Wednesday's attention. They widen their eyes at their shivering girlfriend, who's clothes were soaking wet and her teeth chittering together.
"Maria! What happened?!" Enid asked, concerned as both Wednesday and her walk over. Maria grinned. "I went ice skating!" Maria said and Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows. "Did you fall in?" Wednesday asked, preparing some clothes for the girl after she climbed up the ladder Maria finally got when Ajax complained he can't vault up like the other two.
Maria sheepishly grinned. "Something l-like that." Maria shivered as Wednesday handed her some clean, comfy clothes and Enid beckons her over to the bed, giving her a spare towel. "Dry up and get changed." Enid demanded, crossing her arms before grabbing her phone and scrolling through it.
Maria stands up and goes to the dorm bathroom and quickly dried herself up before getting changed, wringing any water out of her hair. Maria shivered, still freezing cold. She walked out of the bathroom, hugging herself. "Is that any better?" Enid asked, concerned as Wednesday stood next to her by Enid's bed.
Maria sent a shaky grin and a thumbs up. "A little bit." Maria stammered. Enid gets up from the bed and grabs her arm, dragging Maria over to her bed and pushing her down on the bed, making her lay down as Enid lays next to her, Wednesday follows, laying on the other side of Maria.
Enid snuggles up to her as Wednesday places her arm around Maria's waist. "Oh." Maria said, as Enid places a blanket over them. "We'll warm you up." Enid mumbled, digging her face into Maria's neck. Maria sighed and smiled, holding them closer to her.
"Thanks.." She whispered as she lays her head on the pillow, closing her eyes, having a power nap. What she doesn't realise is Enid quietly showing Wednesday edits. Thing waddles his way over and watches from Wednesday's head, Intrigued. And for the rest of the day, Enid and Wednesday just watched edits of Maria without the sleeping girl knowing.