II. Nevermore

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"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us

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"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here."

" You can save the sanitized sales pitch." Wednesday interrupted Enid's rant. "I don't plan on staying here for long"
"Why not?" Enid asked curiously
"This was my parents' idea..."
Raven trailed slightly behind. It was no secret that she wasn't too fond of Enid, just like Enid wasn't too fond of her, but she was still in charge of keeping an eye on Wednesday. She knew Wednesday's plan was to escape from the start, but she would make sure that did not happen, and Wednesday was aware of that. Raven had a feeling in her gut, a feeling that told her that she should be here with her...to stop something bigger.

"Yo, Enid!" Called a voice which she immediately recognized as Ajax's, a cheery gargoyle who she knew was scared of her
"You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate" he began "She's Raven Addams's cousin and eats human flesh. She's more of a crazy weirdo psycho than her cousin.
You better watch your back." He tried to warn Enid.

"Quite the contrary." Enid finally moved to the side revealing the two Addams cousins who shared the same deadpan expression. What people never notice was the pain that those words would inflict on Raven... though she kept her face still and lifeless.

"I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." Said Wednesday
"I prefer skinning them to the bone and placing them in a corrosive acid to eliminate the flesh left on them" Said Raven almost automatically. She was used to never be approached and always kept distance.
"Ajax, this is my new roommate, Wednesday... and of course Raven." Ajax slowly retreated with red cheeks and and a scared face.

"Ignore him" advised Enid
"Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned" Raven said
"He's cute, but clueless" Enid said dreamily. Raven looked at her with a nauseated look "Eww"
"It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you. I'm guessing it was not to be found" she hypothesized "Reminds me of someone..." said Enid, rudely alluding to Raven.
"Though leave it to Enid and her worthless blog to ruin it for you... am I right Enid?" Raven said bitterly and sarcastically to which Enid momentarily lowered her head. Wednesday looked utterly confused "What?"
"You should really get on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok" Enid changed topic

"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation... the only difference between me and her is that she owns a phone" Wednesday said flatly
"I need it to keep up with serial killers" said Raven as she picked a fallen petal off her sleeve.

"Oh my dear Wednesday" Said Morticia as soon as she saw the two Addams girls approaching. She gave Wednesday a loving embrace as she handed her what looked like a necklace. "Take care of her won't you Raven?" Asked Gomez as he gave his nice a strong hug "Promise to give her a good shock from me before bed"
"Don't worry uncle Gomez" she said mischievously. She raised her palms up to her face and rubbed them against one another as a series of blue electric shocks danced freely between her hands. "GAHA! That's my favorite niece!" He said "only niece" she corrected.

"Your father sends his worst wishes" He told her, she lightly scoffed. "When I'll see him come even close to the school grounds, then I'll believe it" Gomez's smile faltered a bit. "You know how Fester is, Raven" he began. "He want's to see you grown and successful, and perhaps in love-" "no" she said flatly "I am not like my father" she continued "I won't fall in love with a man who barely loves me back and has to keep me around because he accidentally impregnated me..." Gomez looked at her with a low smile and gave her a pat on the head.
"Lurch!" Called Morticia "We must be on our way" The rest of the Addams family got in the shiny car and drive away, leaving the two Addams girls behind.

"Mother and father told you to keep an eye on me haven't they?" Wednesday asked keeping her eyes on the car. "Obviously" Raven replied
"And you are going to do just that aren't you?..." "...obviously"

"Hey Raven I was wondering-...who are you?"
"Do you ever not intrude in conversations, Xavier?" Raven asked without even looking up at the long haired boy. "And are you ever not cynical, Raven?" He asked with the same amount of sarcasm. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to." She said flatly "this is my cousin Wednesday Addams, Wednesday this is Xavier Thorpe, Bianca's ex boyfriend who Enid was obsessively gossiping about"
"What a lovely presentation Addams" he said sarcastically. Raven rolled her eyes and turned to face Wednesday "I'll leave you with this pathetic excuse of an Outcast" She turned around briefly to look at Xavier's irritated face and then turned back "I'll see you tomorrow for your ....appointment" And with that she walked away.

Xavier scoffed lightly "What a girl" he said lowly. "Aren't you offend by what she said?" Wednesday asked him flatly "I know people who would be livid"
"She doesn't do it on purpose" he insisted "besides...most people forgot but I remember when the Addams left her here for the first time...she was frightened" Wednesday had a confused look on her face "frightened?" She asked in almost disbelief. "Yeah...you should have seen her on her first Outreach day, she got cornered by a bunch of normies and cried" he said with a dry chuckle at the end. "My cousin?..." Wednesday asked in disbelief "Raven Addams" she began "You're telling me that Raven Addams cried during something that had a pathetic name like Outreach day?"

"Believe me, if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I wouldn't have believed it..." he said "Fucking Tyler Galpin and his stupid friends" he whispered "who?" Wednesday asked "Nothing" he lied. He turned to her with a smile "do you fancy fencing!" At those words, Wednesday's eyebrows quirked up.

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