XXVIII. Eugene

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Rave'N night

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Rave'N night

"Eugene!" She yelled as she ran through the dark woods "Eugene!!" She yelled louder, not knowing where to turn.

"Are you sure you saw him here?" She asked her cousin impatiently. Wednesday looked back at her "I know I did" she replied simply.

Raven was absolutely exhausted, her throat itched for water, her skin was covered in goosebumps and her feet were so sore she felt like she was walking on legos...but she continued to run.

"Eugene Please!!" She yelled until she couldn't feel the straining chords in her throat. "Ra! Over here!" She heard along with the growling of a beast.

She picked up her pace, letting all the different branches cut trough her dress...but it was too late. Eugene was found bloody on the floor, unconscious.

Raven's heart began to beat faster. She threw herself on the cold hard ground next to him, desperately trying to find a pulse "is he alive?" Miss. Thornhill asked worried...and thankfully he was.

She watched as the paramedics carried the unconscious body of her best friend in the ambulance, driving off as soon as they told her that she couldn't come.

She let herself drop onto the cold ground once again, grabbing her knees and pulling them up to her face. She felt the leaves beside her crinkling, Wednesday took a seat next to her, face as cold as stone while Raven's was tainted with worry and fear.

"Why?..." Raven asked without dignifying Wednesday with the minimum glance "why did you involve him" she whispered more to herself "I implored you not to do that"

"He was my only chance to expose the monster...I was so close and I guess he got carried away with the situation"

"You guess?" she asked rhetorically as her voice grew more aggravated "he is in a hospital fighting for his life!" She screamed abruptly as she stood up from the cold ground.

"You promised me! You promised me you wouldn't put him in danger for your stupid, obsessive monster hunt!" Wednesday looked at her blankly
"I didn't force him to go... he did it according to his own lame feelings-"

"HE'S ALL I HAVE! NOBODY EVER WANTED TO EVEN COME NEAR ME WHEN I CAME HERE..." she held back sobs "But he did! And you ruined it all" she choked out "just like you always do" she wiped the corner of her eyes to prevent the forming of any tears.

Wednesday sighted "Raven-" but she was soon interrupted by Raven forcefully grabbed the collar of her dress and looked her right in the eyes.

"If you ever come near either me or Eugene....I will kill you" she let go of her and stormed off into the cold night.

She ran away....No idea where she was headed, probably her dorm, but who could tell. Tears were clouding her vision as her dress got ruined by the many branches she ran though along the way.

She then suddenly bumped into someone who wrapped their arms around her. She had no need to look up to know who it was, the light blue shirt tainted in fake pigs blood was easily recognizable.

"He's going to be fine" he whispered into her ear as he maintained a firm grip around her.

"Why does everyone always leave me" she mumbled almost inaudibly into his shirt. He heard and couldn't help but sigh "Because everyone is stupid" he mumbled back.

She wiped her tears and finally looked up at Tyler. He brought his hands up to cup her tear stained cheeks "the world still hasn't understood you, Raven Addams" he said as her rubbed his thumb against her pale 'bloody' skin.

"But I want to...I so desperately want to"

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