VII. Truce

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Saturday February 4th

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Saturday February 4th

"What do we do?!" Asked Tyler panicked "do we follow her?"
She looked at him "She had a vision... It could be dangerous I can not leave her alone I-" Her words became so quick and her voice held pure panic until Tyler placed both hands on her shoulders interrupting her rant "Hey, hey, hey whoa" he tried to calm her "it's going to be fine" he reassured. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes...her face losing the usual flat expression. "Breath with me" he said, she looked at him in confusion momentarily forgetting what was going on "What?"
"It's something my therapist told me to do, just follow me. Breath in" he instructed and she followed keeping her eyes on him. "Very good, see? Everything is going to be fine" he smiled when he saw her face relax "Here is what we are going to do... I'll take you back to Nevermore, and if tomorrow you don't receive any news from Wednesday I will personally accompany you to file a missing report and all that, I'll even order my dad to have the best police forces on the case if you ask me" As he talked he unconsciously raised a hand and placed it softly on her cheeks, rubbing her tears away with his thumb. Realization dawned on him and he immediately retreated his hand.

Tyler drove Raven back to Nevermore, they sat in his car without saying a word. "I'm sorry" he apologized suddenly "Huh? Oh it's not your fault, Wednesday always disappears-" "What? No, I mean for 6 years ago...I was...not nice" he said, Raven maintained the dry expression not knowing what to say. "I-it's not like I'm expecting you to say anything, I-I just wanted to-" "you're forgiven" she interrupted him, her face blank although a sign of a smile present on her lips. He smiled relieved as now a weight was taken off his chest. "But if you ever tell anyone about this story" she began to threaten "I will personally cut off your testicles and feed them to my rat...did I make myself clear?" She asked him, he nodded in somewhat fear "crystal"

"Well then, I suppose I'll head back" she unbuckled her seat belt and opened the car door. She hopped off and fixed a few strands of hair back into her low bun. She was about to head back when Tyler said "Thank you Raven...for forgiving me" She looked back at him with a faint smile "The Addams don't hold grudges...except Wednesday, she's a case of her own" and with that she went back to her room, where she slept thoroughly and peacefully...until she didn't.

Sunday February, 5th 4AM

She woke up in a puddle of her own cold sweat "Wednesday" she though panicked. She threw herself out of bed and checked the time 4AM. 'Is Wednesday back?' She slipped on her black Mary-Janes and a black cardigan over her pajamas and made her way over to Enid and Wednesday's room in a hurry.

She arrived at the door and knocked, the door swung open "Where have you been?!" Asked Enid "is she here?" She asked, pushing her way in the room. "Yes, she's on the bed, they brought her in a few hours ago" Raven sat on the edge of Wednesday's bed. She looked at her cousin who laid on her bed unconscious, a few cuts and bruises evident on her face.
She grabbed her hand gently and held it in hers. They stayed like that for a while.
"You two are very close huh?" Asked Enid with a sad expression on her face. Raven looked up at her "Yeah...we used to be even closer"
"And then what happened?" She asked as she took a seat on Wednesday's desk "I was sent here" she simply said "Hope you're not gonna put that on your blog" she said sarcastically, a long pause followed
"I crossed the line six years ago...I'm sorry" Enid apologized breaking the silence, Raven chuckled dryly "Seems like everyone is apologizing for what happened six years ago"
"I'm serious, Raven... It wasn't my place to write what happened to you on my blog...especially after you told me that in confidence" Raven let go of Wednesday's hand and stood up in front of Enid "Will you forgive me?" She ask hopefully. Raven smiled and held out her hand as a sign of truce but Enid had other plans, she squealed and engulfed her in a tight embrace which Raven accepted with a huge smile... she finally had a friend who wasn't Eugene... wait Eugene?

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