XXX. Dr. Kinbott's office

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Monday, February 20th

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Monday, February 20th

"All right" Principle Weems smiled at Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, and Raven Addams.
The whole family sat before the tall women, somewhat uncomfortable.

"Let's get down to the matter at hand, shall we?" She took out 2 files, one significantly bigger than the other, and although Raven had been at this school since she was 11 years old, her cousins folder was the bigger one.

"Unfortunately, Wednesday's assimilation has been rocky at best" Weems exclaimed without once losing her huge smile.

"Because I refuse to embrace the culture of dishonesty and denial permeating this school. Starting with the monster that killed Rowan and put Eugene in the ICU?" Ravens nails began digging in her palm "you put Eugene in the ICU" she mumbled, although no one heard.

"Although I do hear he's on the mend, we've always encouraged Wednesday to speak her mind...sometimes her sharp tongue can cut deep" Wednesday rolled her eyes profusely.

"As for Raven, no matter how many years she's spent in this institution, she still has a hard time integrating with the group" "That's not true" Raven interrupted shifting the attention towards her "I have a friend...actually now I have two friends" Ms. Weems looked at her empathetically "of course dear...but you've been here for 6 years" Raven slightly sulked in her seat.

"Going back to Wednesday, apparently her therapist feels she hasn't been very open to the process... their time together has not yielded the results we'd hoped." "I'm not a lab rat" Wednesday replied smugly

"Dr. Kinbott and I have spoken, and we both agree it would be most beneficial for you all to attend a family session this weekend" both Raven's and Wednesday's eyes went wide "No!" They said in unison.

"I thought that might be your reaction, but your parents can see the wisdom in it" Principle Weems said "Um, not to side with the girls, but, um, we're only here for the weekend" Morticia tried to reason.

"Principle Weems" Raven called the tall women's attention "I haven't been to Dr. Kinbott in years, and she said I was fine"

"Oh, come on...what can it hurt?" Gomez smiled "To be honest, I've always been a big fan of head-shrinking" Morticia cleared her throat "It's not that kind of head-shrinking, mon chéri" his face fell in pure disappointment "Well, that is disappointing"

The whole family, including Matilda Gooseman, made their way towards Dr. Kinbott's Office.

They all made themselves comfortable on the white couch, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of bright coloring.

Dr. Kinbott sat facing the Addams family with a reassuring smile and a opening demeanor. "First of all, it is so nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Addams...and of course Miss. Gooseman and Pugsley" Pugsley was the only one who gave out a genuine smile.

"As for Wednesday, welcome back. And Raven, it's so nice to see you after all these years" Raven forced a nod.

"Okay, who wants to start?" She asked. The whole family looked at each other, unwilling to be the first ones to speak.

"Umm okay" Dr. Kinbott readjusted herself on the chair "should we start with Wednesday? And perhaps talk about what it's like to have Wednesday so far from home"

Pugsley cleared his throat, determined to go first "I mean, for's been hard not having Wednesday around"
He said "I never thought I'd miss being waterboarded so much"
Dr. Kinbott nodded and thanked him for his honesty.

"Morticia, Gomez" she shifted her attention towards the two parents.
"How have you been coping?"

"It's been torture for us too" Morticia said while Gomez nodded "Fortunately, my brother Fester's rack fits two people" he grinned.

Both Raven and Matilda inwardly gagged at the sound of the name of Fester Addams.

"Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other" Morticia said as she reached for her husbands touch "Querida mía" and like many other times before, they began passionately kissing in a very public setting, making everyone uncomfortable.

"Enough!" Wednesday interrupted her parents, a silence fell upon the room.
Dr. Kinbott cleared her throat "so..." she began "Miss. Gooseman I couldn't help but notice a very strong reaction on your part at the mention of Raven's father"

Matilda sat up straight, loving the attention she was getting "Well my ex was ever hardly a reliable man, way too childish to be a father anyway" Raven couldn't help but scoff and nod. She pointed at Raven "he left me with her, can you believe it?"

"So I did the only sensible thing, I-"
"Placed me in a basket and left me in front of the Addams mansion" Dr. Kinbott looked at her perplexed.

"You never told me about this in our previous sessions" Raven simply shrugged and laid down further in her chair "I was never asked"

"Is that why you might have issues interacting with other?....for the fear of being inadequate, maybe?" Raven never though about it before, but she sure hated the sound of it.

"There is nothing wrong with me" she insisted "My uncle and aunt welcomed me with open arms...I have no weird residual trauma from her anyways"

Dr. Kinbott searched her mind for the most delicate way to put this "It is actually quite common that kids who feel abandoned by their nuclear family, in this case your mom and dad, have future repercussions on the ability of the child to connect with others" Raven dug her nails further in her palm.

"Last time we established that I was fine and it was only a rite of passage" Dr. Kinbott looked at her pityingly "you've been studying here for 6 years, Raven....and you still have problems interacting with your pears I-.....I don't think it was a rite of passage"
Silence fell once again upon the room as everyone stared Raven down.

Matilda held her head with both her hands "Oh god, I have a mentally ill child" "I'm not mentally ill!'re lying!" She yelled towards Dr. Kinbott

"It seems you've all been lying" Wednesday interjected while she held Gomez's case file which Raven hid under her bed the day of Wednesday's first escape attempt.

"Keeping secrets" "did you snoop into my room?" Raven asked appalled "and you hid something important like my father's case file...I think we're even" "why were you snooping into my room?" Raven stood up infuriated wile Wednesday simply looked the other way.

And then it simply dawned on her

"You thought I was the monster..."

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