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Thursday February 9th, Night time

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Thursday February 9th, Night time

"Where have you two been?!" Enid asked distressed as the two cousin made their way into the room.
"Enid? What happened" Raven asked concerned.
"I'm literally having a heart attack right now!" She said "Yoko and Mary are in the infirmary!" "What happened?" Wednesday asked getting invested.
"Garlic bread incident at dinner, she had a major allergic reaction. She's out of the Poe Cup and now I don't have a co-pilot or a rower!" The two Addams looked at each other.

"It wasn't an accident" Raven began, Wednesday nodded "Bianca's behind it" she stated firmly. Enid looked up at them "How do you know?" "Doesn't matter" said Wednesday "the three of us are going to take her down tomorrow"
"Wait...You're joining the Black Cats?!" Enid asked excitedly which made Raven's eyes widen "we are???" Wednesday nodded.
"You're willing to do that? For me?" Enid's smile was progressively getting larger by the minute
"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat" Wednesday said flatly taking a few steps backwards as Enid inched closer.
"Yeah, but mostly you two are doing it because we're friends, right?" Wednesday decided to ignore her "Tell me how she keeps winning"
"It's a real Nevermore mystery" Raven said, Enid nodded "The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking"
Wednesday looked at the two girls "Sounds like sabotage"
"There are no rules in the Poe Cup" Raven said "And she is a siren, which makes her master of the water" a smirk grew on Wednesday's face "Then we just need to beat her at her own game...tho we will need all the help possible" she said.

Enid looked determined "What do you need?" Wednesday thought deeply and pointed towards her "I need you to sharpen your claws" she shifted her gaze and pointer finger onto Raven "and I need you to be able to concentrate your electrokinetic energy into a powerful yet non-lethal attack using water as the conductor" Raven eyes slightly filled with worry "Water is unpredictable, Wednesday" she warned "One wrong move and it could literally kill all the life in the lake"Wednesday nodded "I know, you better practice" Raven slightly rolled her eyes but nodded regardless. "And I'm going to need you to call Tyler" Raven stopped nodding immediately and her eyes widened "Huh? What?! No!" She protested while Enid snickered. "I need some metal arrows, his father is in the sheriff, he might have some confiscated ones he could bring us" she began explaining "additionally, for reasons to me unknown, Xavier hates him, it will throw him and his whole team off when they'll see him" "b-but you are his friend! Why can't you ask him?" Raven tried to argue. "He tried to kill you" she replied dryly "the debt he has with you is far greater than the one he has with me" Raven could not argue with that "fine" she said dryly, as she walked over to Wednesday's desk. She smirked triumphantly and gestured for Enid to get her computer and bring it over.

Her index finger hovered over the touchpad, scared to press Tyler's name. She looked up at the two girls who were eagerly standing behind the laptop. "Are you really going to stand there the whole time?" Raven asked and the two nodded. "You need guidance in case you freeze...or say the wrong thing" Wednesday said. Raven took a deep breath and pressed Tyler's name on the screen.

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