CHAPTER I: The Discovery (Rewritten)

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The gentle hum of the wind was the only things sounding throughout my place, the quiet chirps and hoots of my owls the only other thing sounded in the area. It was boring in the place at early morning, there was nothing to do other than think about everything or just wait for something. So I laid on my bed, staring into nothingness, it was dark in my room even with the suns rays shining through the windows, it was dark, it was comforting.


I rolled my eyes, getting of my bed to the window, a raven sat at the window tapping the glass over and over. I opened the window, the raven perched on the windowsill. It dropped off a letter before flying away, oddly it hadn't made a caw or chirp once, and they'd normally bombard me with all their random noises. I observed the letter, it was from Crystal Cliffs. I cut the purple ribbon off, opening the parchment paper to read the letter.

'Dear King Scott of Rivendell,

I, Wizard Gem, have found something disturbing in my empire. And checking around the Undergrove, the Overgrown, Gilded Helenthia, Grimlands, Mythland and the Ocean Empire, and through heavy observation, seen that the same disturbing thing was in the empires listed.

For that, I will be founding a meeting at spawn, come at 3pm stat. I hope to see you there so that we can discuss this further and hopefully figure out what's happening.

Once finished reading this letter, burn it, and don't tell anyone about it.

Wizard Gemini Tay.'

I reread the letter a couple times, trying to figure out the vagueness of the letters mention of 'disturbing thing'. Eventually giving up, I rolled the letter back up, and instead of listening to the letter, shoved it away in a drawer. If I can see or remember the problem, there is no problem.

The time came for the meeting, with meant I finally had something to do. Even with the sun still high in the sky my room was still dark, which is also very odd, something was off with this day. Either way I opened my wardrobe, taking out my elven clothes which consisted of a white half circle cloak with gold lining, a pale blue blouse with gold buttons, a brown belt covered most of the abdomen, and pale blue pants and brown snow boots.


What an odd and annoying day it was, another letter? I walked back over to the window, opening it again, nothing. Confused, I leaned my body halfway out the window, holding onto the ledge to keep myself safe. Nothing. Only the hum of the wind making the grass wave and bend towards the ground, the silence was actually peaceful, no muttering of the elves, no patter of thousands of shoes on the ground, just silence. Odd, but peaceful. I tucked some lose strands of my cyan hair behind my ear, I really need to get a hair cut as my hair was reaching halfway down my back now. But that's unimportant, what is important, is that I forgot the existence of the meeting which is in... maybe some minutes, maybe it's started now, so in a rushed panic, I jumped out the window. But in order not to break anything (and forgetting I had wings), did a roll, quickly standing up and brush myself off. And then got distracted, a necklace laid in the grass, that wasn't there before. I hesitantly picked it up, it was a silver chain holding onto a crystal point that was almost the size of my palm, the crystal was a bright cyan fading into black, the crystal held onto the chain by intricate designs in silver, all twisting vines that held the crystal, and in gold right on the centre, was a pair of Rivendell antlers, yet I've never seen it before... maybe it was newly made, or some young elves playing around here dropped it and didn't notice.

But whatever it was, it's mine now.

I put the necklace on, and remember I have wings. So, quickly fluffing out the snowy owl wings I took to the skies, flying over to the spawn area.


1: Tainted, The Dragon. (Under rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now