Chapter 28: Joey isnt as good as he seems!

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Yup, as the name says Joey isn't trustworthy, so there will be drama in this chapter >:D I LEAD YOU INTO FALSE SAFETY TAKE THAT

|¥| Gem's POV |¥|

I waited patiently outside of the party room, it was in full swing an Scott wasn't here... I made sure no one would kill him though! Besides Lizzie... Lizzie is well... Lizzie. Ya can't trust her but you can't not trust her. She's a 10ft fish goddess who can shrink down to 6'7. So yeah. I tapped my foot on the ground, getting anxious as seconds passed. But I heard wingbeats in the distance. I looked to the sky, the sky that was painted in beautiful pinks, oranges, yellows and reds as the sun set. And a teal blue was forming from the colours. There he was! After a couple of seconds Scott landed perfectly on the ground space next to me.

" Scott! You came! " I squealed.
" Yeah yeah I'm here. " He said with a chuckle.
" And for once you don't look like, well- " I said not knowing how to not offend the elf.
" overly jeweled and royal? " He said.
" Y- yeah " I said nodding my head.
" The party is in full swing! Come on in! " I said dragging him inside with me.

The music was louder than hell itself. Scott had to cover his ears to not have them bleed.

" Sorry! I'll try to turn the music down! Though I'll have to make an announcement that your here since there was a bet- " I shouted to him over the music.

I left his side leaving him puzzled. I made it to the DJ booth where a song Joel would definitely know was being blasted. I found the music valve thing and turned it down. I took a deep breath as I stepped aside to the mic. I tapped on it getting everyone's attention.

" Emperors! All listen please! " I spoke into the microphone, everyone turning towards me.
" All who bet Scott would come step forwards! " I said, Lizzie let out a small snicker.

No one stepped forward, right as I was going to announce that they were wrong. Shrub stepped forwards, followed by Pearl, Jimmy and Joey. Scott stood idly where I left him.

" Alright alright! Close your eyes everyone or turn around please! " I said into the mic.

Everyone spun, except the ones in the front, they closed there eyes. I waved at Scott for him to come over on the stage. He shook his head stepping backwards.

" Hold on technical issues here... " I said, running down towards Scott.
" Come on! " I whispered.
" No! No Gem I can't! " He whispered back.
" The only thing you can do is freeze everything. Your fine! " I whispered dragging him up to the stage area.

As we reached the mic, I could tell he was nervous. I gave him a reassuring smile before heading to the mic more.

" Alright! Open your eyes or spin around everyone! " I said, stepping away from the mic.

Everyone rather spun back around and or opened there eyes, some let out a gasp or just stared. Scott rubbed his arm. Looking away from everyone.

" Yes! I knew I'd be right! " Joey celebrated.

That sent almost everyone into a fit of laughter. It got Scott to chuckle! Joey is a legend! I stepped back up to the mic.

" Alright winners! What do you guys want? " I said.
" I mean I probably already know what Jimmy wants... " I mumbled loud enough for the mic to pick up on and looked to Scott.

Laughter swept around the room, Jimmy stood there looking at the ground as red as a tomato.

Scott said something in elvish, I understood immediately. " I mean if he wants- " That's what he said. I bursted out laughing, Scott chuckling behind me.

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