Chapter 29: GEM!?

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No don't worry no major character death.

Just chaos.

|§| Scott's POV |§|

I took a step back and stared in horror at the dragon in front of us, it looked like the Ender dragon, but- frost covered most of it and jagged ice spikes protruded through its skin in some places. That's what was in the crystal. That's what corrupted me. And holy was it huge. It glared at Gem awaiting something, Gem stared back, horror filled in her eyes.

" Well dragon?! Go for them! " Joey screamed at it.

It snarled at Joey, but didn't decline the request. It took a step forwards, it's lips curling as smoke rose from its nostrils. It roared, and a blue fire was blasted our way. Aiming for Gem, I pulled out of the way, extending my wing to cover her as the blast continued my way. The fire subsided, I threw her to Fwhip, him catch her with almost falling over. I shook my wings ignoring the pain in one of them now. The dragon snarled at me. I gave it a look of, ' COME AND GET IT! YA FLYING LIZZARD! ' It snapped at me, I jumped out the way, extending my wings, to catch myself from falling. I ran, the opposite direction of Gem, it followed. Snapping at me every second, I took to the sky. If I can lead it away I can give them time. I hovered in the sky, I waited for me bellow. It won't leave, I watched as frost crept up the walls of Crystal Cliffs. I sighed and took a deep breath. I dived, folding my wings for speed. It opened it mouth, I dodged, opening my wings flying left, this time it followed. It took the sky shaking the ground first.

Oh sh* sh* sh*! SH*!

I sped away going sideways, it followed behind. I swept pass the emperors, it still followed. I continued forwards, I followed. A cliff approached, I kept going, 100 ft, 90ft, 80ft, 70ft, 60ft, 50ft, 40ft, 30ft.

Here we go again!...

20ft, 10ft, 5ft. Right before I hit it, I went upwards, trailing the cliffs jagged side. The cliff rumbled, the dragon crashed. It roared angrily before it took flight, I passed the cliff. Still going upwards, it followed. I reached the first cloud level, I dove down, right as it snapped at me. It dive after me, I plummeted quickly. But I had a plan in mind. I started to see the water bellow.

Perfect... but sorry in advance Gem.

Right before I hit the water. I opened my wings, stopping from charging into the water, I reached my hand out to the water, doing what I do best. Freezing it. I took off upward again. The dragon roared before crashing into the ice. I landed back on the ground, everyone near Gems house now. I huffed as the dragon appeared, water and blood dripped down from its body, it snarled angrily. It open its wings, I blinding light emitted from it.

I blinked, it was in front of us, me and Gem. She looked horrified, it pulled its head back it mouth opening slowly.


I stepped away from Gem, I raised my foot before letting it collide with the ground as hard as it could. An ice spike emerged, blasting Gem into the crowd. And making the dragon bite into it. It pulled its head back hard, roaring in pain. It shook its head, glaring at me, smoke arose from its nostrils again. Gem pulled her staff out, blasting magic in the dragons face. Joey nowhere to be seen. The dragon fell backward, disappearing bellow the cliff.

Sh* sh* sh*

It roared in anger from bellow, it's definitely pi*sed. Gem dragged me over to the crowd, I glared at her. She glared back, I scoffed. The dragon arisen, growling at me and Gem. It's tail swooshed at us. I ducked, everyone let out a scream as the tail just missed there head. I got back up, along with everyone, we needed a plan. Someone was missing. Gem... the dragon roared in anger. As blue fire blasts where shot upwards.

1: Tainted, The Dragon. (Under rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now