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PLOT: You're his tutor. But with time..deeper feelings grew among you two.

Kageyama was desperate. He needed to play with his team, but he was failing most of his classes. So what did he do?
He asked Tsukishima to tutor him, but of course the blond refused.

- There is this girl in our class that has perfect grades, i'm sure she's willing to help you. - said the other third year, Sugawara. Of course he accepted.

The next day  Kageyama went to your class, trying to find you. You, on the other hand, were already expecting him cause your classmates told you about him.

When he arrived you were speechless. You weren't expecting such a tall and handsome guy, to be honest. And while you felt intimidated, Kageyama was really nervous to talk to an upper-classmate, let alone a pretty girl like you, he thought.

After you two agreed on a day and time Kageyama left with red cheeks. Hinata was going to tease him so bad.

On the day you guys had to meet you knocked at Tobio's door at a perfect time, wearing casual clothes, that still had him blushing.

Even when you made yourself at home you still saw how tense the boy was. You tried to make your "lessons" as interesting as possible, in fact Kageyama was making progress session after session. And you were also happy at how he seemed to be more comfortable around you with time, even tho you often caught him staring at you. And honestly you would be lying if you said it didn't make you happy.

With time passing you started to have feelings towards the younger boy, you felt the need to scold him whenever he hurt himself playing volleyball, the need to take care of him and make sure he was okay, physically and mentally. Sometimes you were scared to come off as clingy but he seemed to enjoy your attention.

One day you wanted to surprise him during break going to his class. Most of his classmates weren't in class, only a few, including Kageyama and Hinata.
Yeah you listened to their conversation but you couldn't contain yourself, you were really curious. But your heart dropped as soon as you realized they were talking about a girl.

- Come ooon, when are you going to confess? It's clear that you two like each other, stop pretending. - the ginger boy said exasperated. The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes and replied annoyed - Stop it, Y/N is not into boys like me, especially younger boys -. Hearing your name your heart skipped a beat, and before you realized your body moved on its own. You stepped in the class in front of the two best friends. - Tobio is it true? YOU like ME? -
Kageyama wanted to just disappear on the spot, and as he was panicking his friend left giving you two space and time.

You looked at him while he fiddled with his fingers, trying to find the right words.
- Look i..i didn't want you to find out like this- actually i didn't want you to find out at all..i like the relationship we have, but now you know what i feel a-and I'm scared that things between us will change.. -
After hearing all his mumbling, you stayed silent processing, and then replied - You're so stupid Tobio. How couldn't you notice it? All my actions had a meaning, they were meant for you to understand what i feel towards you...i've been waiting for you to tell me that you like me back for so long -.
This was enough to leave the boy in front of you shocked, but not enough to stop him from taking your wrist and dragging you away. You just followed him without any question.

You arrived at the gym, you two entered the building and immediatly noticed it was totally empty and silent.
- We could have just talked in the hall, there was no need to- You were roughly stopped by Kageyama smashing his lips on yours. His hands gripped at your waist refusing to let go. The kiss was long, rough, but absolutely breath-taking, and most importantly it was enough for you to understand his feelings.

In the next 10 minutes no words were shared, you just kept looking in each other's loving eyes, Kageyama gently caressing your skin here and there. You guys had time to talk about everything, but right now this was more than perfect.

Hello :3
I hope you guys enjoyed it<3
Next character [requested] : Yamaguchi!

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