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PLOT: You broke up with your ex, Suna Rintarou, almost a month ago. Little did you know that going to the club one night would make the both of you encounter again.
TW⚠️: cussing, NSFW content, alcohol, protected sex, semi-public sex.


It's been almost a month since you and your ex, Rintarou Suna, broke up.
Yours was the perfect relationship, you'd say. You two were always loving and flirty with each other, and finally you found someone that could handle your jokes.
You spent the best 3 years of your life with Suna, but lately the arguments got more frequent, eventually leading to your breakup.
But deep down, both of you still craved each other.

Your best friend, Harper, just wanted you to get out of the depressive state you were in. You would always be thankful for her, she never left your side, and was always there to cheer you up.

 You would always be thankful for her, she never left your side, and was always there to cheer you up

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Harper, 22.

"Come on Y/N, you need to let yourself go for a bit and have fun. You can't stay like this forever. I need my confident bad bitch back."
She was right. You were always the baddie type, probably one of the reason you and Suna clicked so quickly.
You sighed, deciding that you also had enough.
Tonight you were gonna have fun.
Harper helped you getting up and led you to your bedroom to help you choose something good to wear.

Harper helped you getting up and led you to your bedroom to help you choose something good to wear

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You two were now entering the club.
The music was louder than all of your negative thoughts.
The alcohol scent already getting to you.
"Let's go grab a few drinks to start the night, okay girl?" Almost yelled in your ear Harper.
You nodded, and followed her through the crowd.
As you arrived at the bar you both ordered a drink, talking casually and getting ready to go dance.
You two were interrupted by a voice, behind you. "Hey girls, can I interrupt you for a second?" You both looked in his direction.
This tall guy was looking at Harper.
"Hi I'm Liam, could I steal your friend for a quick dance?" He asked you. You looked at Harper for consent and then nodded.
"You sure you'll be okay bae?" She asked you.
"Yeah sure, go ahead, have fun. I'll be there in a bit." You replied, sipping your drink.
As Harper went on the dance you felt someone staring at you, you just ignored it.

In the span of a few seconds you heard that familiar voice whispering in your ear.
"What are you doing here, my love?"
You didn't even turn around.
"None of your business, Rin."
"Oh please, don't be so mean..I came here to spend some time with you."
You didn't know what to say.
Your head was telling you to just go away, but your body was on fire by just hearing his voice, it craved him.
It didn't matter what you did, your heart would always want him, and only him.
His hand gently brushed your arm, till he grabbed your hand.
"Give me a dance, just one, and then if you'll want me gone, I won't bother you anymore. I promise"
You just got up and followed him to the dance floor.

[I recommend listening to
"Like That - Bea Miller"]

When you two made your way through all the people, his hand automatically grabbed your waist.
His lips only inches away from yours.
His eyes completely captivated you. There was no way you could back down now.
But did you really want him away from you? You let yourself go.
Your body grinded against his, making his grip stronger.
You could feel the thick tension between you two.
Your whole body was on fire, and so was his.
Rin pushed you closer, his lips devouring yours with a passion you missed.
He broke the kiss. "I can't fucking wait anymore." Rin's voice full of impatience.

You let him lead you outside of the club, through the parking lot.
He quickly let you inside the back of his black car, following you right after closing the door.
You didn't have time to say anything back that his lips were on your neck, kissing it, biting it, leaving as many hickeys as he could.
Rin's body was on top of yours, his arms just couldn't help but touch, feel, every single centimeter of your skin.
He quickly took off your dress, attacking your breast.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling how needy you were starting to feel.
The only thought in your head right now was feeling him.
"Please Rin-" You just wanted him immediately.
"I know baby, I know" He took off his own clothes, and again his lips were on yours, while he wore a condom.
Before you could say anything else, Rin entered you.
Your gaze was locked with his.
You couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure, feeling him after almost a month.
Suna bit on your shoulder, to avoid making too much noise.
He started moving into you.
It wasn't rushed, you could feel the passion, and how deep he was.
"God I missed it, I missed you. I fucking love you, don't you dare leave me again" He managed to let out in between his moans.
You kissed him again, your legs around his body pushed him closer.
The ecstasy was blurring your vision. There was only the feeling of him inside you.
His words rang inside your head, making you go even crazier.
"Fuck me, don't ever stop, I love it so much" Your words had a rather strong effect on him.
The pace got quicker, the moans louder, the air hotter, and the love stronger.
"Fuck I love you so much Y/N, I love you, say it"
"I love you Rin"
Something inside you clicked.
You reached your climax, while he also came with you.
His eyes never left yours.
You tried to catch your breath, while Suna hugged your body. Thank God that car was big and comfortable enough.

"You know we'll never change right? This is how our relationship is. But I love it, just like I love you. I'll always come back to you Y/N, whatever happens." He confessed.
"I know" You accepted it by now. Besides all the mean words and arguments, your love was always stronger. You were willing to go through love with him.
The light of your phone caught your attention, making your eyes widen.
"Tell her I'll give you a ride home, don't worry" Said Rin, hugging your waist.
When you got home that night you just collapsed on the bed, not thinking about everything that happened.

You were woken up by someone shaking your body.
"Harper? What's up?" You said, yawning.
She had a spare key to your house.
"What the FUCK did you do last night?! And SUNA drove you home? Girl, are you fucking insane?" Her loud voice woke you up completely now.
"Yeah I know, I fucked up, but it's just how things are between me and him." You explained quickly.
"You two..fucked?" She asked you hesitant, but already knowing the answer.
"Yeah..and we're back together"
"For fuck's sake, you two better work things out normally from now on. Now get up, I'll make us something to eat."

Hey guys, as always let me know what you think, hope you enjoyed.

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