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As always, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes😭. Enjoyy!❤️

PLOT: When he saw you for the first time, Oikawa fell in love with you, and he couldn't help but chase you until you gave him the chance he deserves.

Tooru and the whole team was going to a café to celebrate their victory against Karasuno.
It was Kunimi's idea to come to this place, everybody agreed.

It was a cute café, the walls were a bright red, covered with painted flowers, and plants all over the place.
A soft music could be heard in the background as people talked, and there was a pleasant smell of coffe and crêpes.

When the team finally settled, and went through the menu, a waitress arrived.
She had silky (h/l) (h/c) hair, her shiny
(e/c) eyes, along with her rosy lips, were enough to catch the captain's attention.
You were wearing your usual white uniform for work.

"Hi guys! So can I take your order?" You said with a bright smile.
Iwaizumi was the first to tell you his order, followed by everyone else. Only the setter was left.
"And for you sir?" You looked at him patiently.
He remained still all this time staring at you up and down, taking in more details as possible.
"I'll just take what he ordered." said Oikawa pointing at Iwaizumi.
"Great. I'll be back with all your orders soon!" You said as you walked away.

As the team started talking excitedly, all that Oikawa could think about was trying to figure out how to get to know you more.
He doesn't usually get this attracted by only seeing a person 2 minutes for the first time.
But there was something magnetizing about you, and so he was determined to at least talk to you as a "friend" one day.

"Oi. Did that girl hipnotize you or something? You've been staring at her since she came to our table." Said Iwaizumi interrupting Oikawa's thoughts.
"He defenetly has a crush or something on that waitress" added Kindaichi, with a knowing smirk.
The whole team started teasing their captain non-stop, but they didn't notice they were being a little too loud, and you, on the other hand could hear almost everything.

As realization hit you, you were a blushing mess. Oikawa was handsome, and seemed like a sweet and reliable man, but still you didn't know him..and of course you couldn't make assumptions by just overhearing them.

Your overthinking was stopped by your mother at the counter who called for you.
For context, this café was your parents' , you worked here as a waitress, your mother was at the counter and she dealt with the financial situation of the place, while your dad was the baker.
You were only 3 but you guys made it work.

You approached your mom smiling, and she asked you softly "Dear, could you kindly ask that table over there to be a little more quiet, please?"
Of course it just HAD to be his table.

You walked over to their table with a shy smile as all the players turned their gaze over your figure.
"Hey guys, could I politely ask you if you could lower your voices a bit? You might disturb the other customers...and I can hear everything you're saying.." you mumbled the last part. The team widened their eyes and Oikawa flushed.

They started being quieter, and throughout their lunch you and Tooru kept glancing at each other.
When they finally went out you let out a breath of relief, this was kinda embarassing for you.
It was over, and you weren't gonna see that boy again..or so you thought.

On the other hand, the setter couldn't stop thinking about you, he was determined to see you again and talk to you, maybe even apologizing for making you feel uncomfortable that day.

And so after 3 days Oikawa was back again to your café.
You went to greet the clients as always, but as soon as you locked eyes with him, you gasped.
He acted politely as he let you guide him to his table.
After a while you came to take his order, trying to act normally. After you finished writing and started walking away, you felt your wrist being held gently, but firmly.

Oikawa made you turn around, and while you were speechless he said "I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable that day, my team also wants to apologize, please forget it, I swear I'm not a creep." He bowed respectfully.
He was being kind after all, so what could you possibly have said other than "It's okay."

When you got back to the counter, your mother was smirking at you, as you rolled your eyes at her.
"C'mon darling, he's cute!!" I mean, she wasn't lying, he was really attractive, but he was a costumer like everyone else, and his friends were probably joking around.

2 hours later

"When does your shift end?" You heard a gentle voice from behind. You were currently cleaning the last table. You turned around and replied "I think in like 15 minutes, maximum. Why?".
"Do you wanna grab a drink? It's on me!" Oikawa was trying so hard to hide his nervousness, this never happened to HIM.
You looked at him dumbfounded, then pointed at yourself and said "Me? YOU are asking ME?"
"Yeah obviously? What's so weird about it?" He smiled kindly.
"Nothing!! So uhm..when?" You were still confused.
"Right after your shift-"
"wHAT?" You interrupted him. "I LOOK LIKE A MESS RIGHT NOW".
He furrowed his eyebrows "No you don't, I-I think you're cute.." He said mumbling the last part.
You could not believe this is really happening.

This is how you ended up in a little bar, it wasn't crowded or noisy, so you and Oikawa could talk peacefully, while having a drink.
You were amazed by his charming personality, he could easily take the attention of most girls. But at the same time he was kind and made you feel comfortable, almost like friends and not strangers.
After you guys exited the bar he offered you to walk you home, and you guys talked the whole time.

~You arrived at your house~
"Uhm thanks again for walking me home, and for the drink, Oikawa." You said, feeling suddenly shy.

"Thank you for accepting the offer, and you can call me Tooru" He smiled kindly then patted your head and said "Goodnight Y/n".

In the next month Oikawa kept visiting you at work, you even exchanged numbers.
You two always ended up texting or calling each other until late at night, resulting in the two of you tired for your everyday activities. But you both thought that it was worth it.

One day Oikawa decided to just give it a shot. You were on call talking, it was really late, and Tooru thought you fell asleep, and said "I like you so much it's insane."
Truth is..you were awake, and heard every word. You felt your heart skipping a beat, and your face was really hot. You just managed to word out a small "What..?"
"Y-you heard me?" He said nervous but at the same time relieved that he finally told you.
"I did..and I like you too. At first you were just a weird customer for me, but this month was crazy. I did nothing but fall for you more and more each passing day.." You finally confessed sincerely.
"Stawp you're making me cry!!" Said Oikawa dramatically, and you both started laughing.
"Are you free tomorrow? I really need to walk around calling you my girlfriend."
You chuckled and said you were free.

The next day as soon as you guys saw each other you hugged tightly, and Tooru kissed you gently, while grabbing your waist.
You broke the kiss, in need of air.
"Finally I can tell Hajime that you're mine. He said I would have never pulled you acting like I did, he said my behaviour made me seem like a creep.." The setter said rolling his eyes.
"It kinda did though.." you said chuckling.
"Oh shut up!!" He said trying to hide his smile.
You were finally togheter..and now you could tease him until the end of time.
Plus you also got a cute story to tell your kids in the future :)

Hope you guys liked it! Sorry for not updating for so long, I just didn't have insipiration to write🥲.
Byee <3

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