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FORMAT: oneshot
PLOT: You're Sugawara's little cousin, and when you transfer to his school you get caught up into a love triangle..


You arrived at Karasuno only a few days ago.
You just finished middle school and weren't sure where to go since your parents were now going for a work trip in America, and so your kind cousin, Sugawara, offered you a place to stay.
As you stepped in the new school you could already feel a bit of anxiety rise in your body.
"Hey it's okay!! You'll get used to this place in no time I promise!! And if you need anything you can always come to me."
"Thank you Kou, even though it would have been helpful to have you in my class"
"Y/N I promise you'll be fine with the first years. Oh and by the way, if you'd like..how about you become the manager of the volleyball club? That way we can walk back home together!! What do you think?"
Your eyes shined with excitment at the offer and you immediately agreed.
You liked spending time with your cousin, he was your closest family member after all.
He was like a brother you'd say. Plus if Sugawara made you this offer it meant you can trust his teammates.
They're probably good people as well.
You entered the class, finding an empty seat at the front row. "Damn, me and my luck" you thought.
The lessons went by smoothly, except for the fact that you could sense someone staring at you the whole time, but you just ignored it.
Then your cousin texted you to come to the gym to apply as the new manager.
When you entered you saw the group of boys already smiling at you.
You bowed down at them and introduced, until you saw two familiar faces. "Ah, I know you two already!! You were in my class" you said looking at a tall blond dude and the pair of green eyes next to him.
"Yeah! You're..Y/N right?" Asked the shorter boy excited. You nodded.
"AAGH IT'S SO NICE TO MEET YOU!! SO YOU ARE SUGAWARA'S LITTLE COUSIN HUH?" Nishinoya said to be a part of the conversation.
"Yep, that's me. You guys seem really excited" you said chuckling.
"It's always good to have more company and another manager" added Daichi.
After talking the guys started their practice, you were so amazed.
You've always loved volleyball, but never really played.
These guys were really talented.
"Those sets are FLAWLESS, and Tsukishima's height gives him so many opportunities, it's insane- and Nishinoya's agility too!!" You were lost in your thoughts. And before you knew the practice came to an end.
You immediately started handing the water bottles to them with Kiyoko.
After they cleaned up and changed you were all ready to go home.
"Yo, Y/N"
"Kageyama? You need anything?"
"No, I just wanted to walk you home, you live with Sugawara?"
"Yeah I do. Thanks for the offer but really it's not necessary" you said, a bit embarassed by the attention.
"Actually it is..I gotta stop by somewhere before going home, and I don't want you to wait for me." Interrupted Sugawara.
Before you could even answer to that, an unfazed voice spoke.
"I can walk her home. Sugawara's house is just a few blocks away from mine so it's not a big deal anyways."
Kageyama tried to complain but Tsukishima just gently pushed you by your back and started walking.
On the way home you looked at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable by the silence.
"Thanks for walking me home Tsukishima"
"No problem, I have to walk by anyways" he tried to make it sound like it was no big deal, but he was actually happy to be with you.
"That dumbass seems interested in you"
"Who?" You answered, confused.
"Kageyama. It's painfully obvious. That king is hard to deal with"
"Huh? King? What are you talking about?"
"Long story, you'll probably get to it by watching our tranings soon."
"If you say so.." you replied, still confused.
"Hey, why do you live with Sugawara?"
You thought for a few seconds, debating if you should tell him or not.
''You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I get it, it's personal business, I just want to get to know you more" he said.
"It's okay really!! They're just on a trip for work in America, and Sugawara kindly made me stay at his place since I have no other family member here."
"I get it, you must miss them"
"Yeah, but I'll get used to it. Koushi is like my brother, I don't know what I'd do without him."
Your conversation was cut short due to the fact that you two reached your home.
"I'll go now, I don't want to keep you waiting." You said almost stumbling on your words.
He handed you a piece of paper with his number written on it.
Seeing you blush made him widen his eyes so he tried to explain quickly.
"I-It's just in case you need something while Sugawara is not home, and uh- we're friends now..kinda."
"Y-yeah right, thank you Tsukishima!!"
"Call me Kei. I'll be going now. Make sure to lock all the doors."
You thanked him one more time and ran inside.
"This is crazy bro what the hell?" You were having a small crisis, thinking about these past 10 minutes.
You made yourself something to eat, and for your cousin as well once he'll get home.
Then you ran upstairs to your room.
You were now laying on your bed, looking at your phone screen.
"Ugh Y/N what are you doing, of course he won't text you, he just gave you the number for safety reasons!!" Your thoughts were stopped by a notification popping up on your phone.
You immediately unlock it, thinking it was Tsukishima, but you found a message by an unknown number.

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