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GENRE: smut
PLOT: You're Oikawa's sister and although Hajime Iwaizumi was his best friend, you couldn't stop your feelings for him, and neither could he.
TW⚠️: unestablished relationship, reader is a virgin.


*The characters are aged up to 19 (Y/N) and 20 (IWAIZUMI)*

Bro can you give me a ride to Mika's?” You asked Oikawa, leaning on his door.
Sorry Y/N, I can’t, Hajime is going to be here tonight for dinner. You can stay and enjoy the night with us if you want, we’ll probably be playing video games.
Hearing his name made you stiff. You’ve had a crush on Iwaizumi since forever, but never really hit on him, since he was your brother’s best friend. You were afraid to make things weird. However, lately something changed, he seemed more affectionate, his eyes lingered on you longer than usual. You were starting to suspect something, but ignored it, not wanting to get your hopes too high.

Y/N I’m going out to get some food, it’ll take a while since we ordered chinese, that place is fire, but so far. You guys stay here, and I don’t know, watch some tv while you wait.” You nodded at your brother, internally screaming at him for leaving you alone with Iwaizumi.

Hey, I’m going up to my room for a while, I need to uhm call someone” You said, quickly walking up the stairs.
You threw yourself on the bed, looking at the ceiling.
Wake up Y/N, this needs to stop, seriously..” As you thought of a way to get over this, Hajime knocked on your already opened door.

You quickly sat straight on the bed, fixing your hair.
W-what’s up? Do you need something? My brother’s room is on the left..” You really didn’t know how to act.
Things were so much easier with him when you still didn’t like him like that.
On the other hand, Iwaizumi was gonna be straightforward about it.
Hey..do you like me or something?
You decided to act unfazed, even though you were actually panicking inside. “What makes you think that?
Come on Y/N, I’m not that stupid, I can recognize a girl who’s in love with me, especially someone who I’ve known for so long.
There was no point in denying it now, he was right. “Well, even if I liked you, what would change?
Everything. I’d drop my friendship with you instantly if you gave me a chance. So..do you like me or not?” He asked, while slowly walking towards you.
You whispered an anxious but also excited “yes”.
Good, took you long enough.” Said Iwaizumi chuckling, while his lips gave you a soft kiss.

As he tried to lean back, you pulled him in again, this time in a passionate, almost rough kiss. Hajime slowly hovered over you, without breaking the kiss.
He then stopped for a moment, looking at your expression.
Before going any further, I need you to tell me if you actually want this. You don’t have to say yes just cause I started it. Be honest” His voice sounded so serious and caring. That’s what you loved about him. He really knows how to treat right the people he loves.
When you answered his question positively, he finally started to undress you in a hurry.
Soon, both of you were naked.
To be fair..you were quite nervous, Hajime was your first. Even though you’ve known him for ages, this was all new for you.
The man on top of you noticed, softening his eyes in a loving way.
It’s okay, beautiful, we can go slow. If I do something you don’t like just tell me, alright?” You nodded, biting your lip in anticipation.

Iwaizumi kissed you all over your body, going down gradually and painfully slowly.
However..the moment his mouth touched you in the desired spot, your body immediately relaxed and started enjoying it completely.
I don’t know if I like the taste or the sounds better” You both chuckled.
You had to admit you really appreciated how he tried to make your anxiety go away. Making you feel comfortable was his priority.
Before you knew, you were a moaning mess, your legs tried to close out of reflex. Iwaizumi worked on you with his tongue, while his fingers couldn't get away from your sweet entrance. At the same time he could start to stretch you out a bit. Your hand grabbed his hair harshly, while your body couldn't decide whether to stay there or move from all that pleasure, maybe being too much all of sudden.
When Iwaizumi was satisfied enough, he picked up his shorts, taking out a condom. Apparently he came prepared. As he put it on, he looked at you and asked you “What do you think about going on top? Maybe you could feel more comfortable being in control of the pace and everything..or you want me to-
Yeah, I think it’s fine.
Hajime sat comfortably, with a pillow behind him, while you hovered over him.
You took him carefully and slowly, gradually going down when you felt yourself adjusting to his member.
You sighed out of pleasure when he was finally fully in.
Are you okay?” You nodded with a smile, kissing him, while your hips started moving.
You went up, down, left and right, sometimes doing circular motions, experimenting with these new feelings, and trying to understand what he liked better.
When you were satisfied, you fastened the pace a bit, moving your hips however you preferred.
Iwaizumi let out sighs of pleasure, occasionally moaning too. You loved those sounds.
You noticed how his eyes lingered on your breast. You took that opportunity to tease him. You leaned towards his ear, still moving your hips, and whispered, eager to see his reaction.
You can touch me however you want Haji~” The man didn’t waste a second, cupping one breast, and kissing the other.
His kisses, mixed with his member inside you, were really testing your limits.
You threw your head back, starting to bounce harder. You just wanted to feel him more, it was like nothing was enough, you always needed more.
Fuck, I can’t do it anymore” You were confused, but soon you got your answer. Iwaizumi lifted your hips, stopping you from moving. This time he moved in and out of you, in a fast and hard way.
He made sure every thrust would be as deep as possible. Your moans got louder. You felt your climax quickly approaching.
Before either of you could finish, Iwaizumi flipped you on your back and thrusted in you, while his face was buried in your neck.
My God, I’ve been wanting to fuck you for so long, you have no fucking idea, and this feels better than what I ever imagined” His words sent shivers down your spine. You didn't know a simple voice could turn you on this much.
Your hands scratched his back, trying to feel him closer to your body.
Does it feel good? Tell me Y/N, I want you to say it” He asked in between his moans while resting his forehead on yours, continuing to move.
Yes, yes it feels so good Hajime
"What a good girl, saying my name like that” His lips attacked yours in a passionate way, even though you could feel the love behind the lust.
Fuck Y/N, I’ve jerked while thinking about you countless times. You won’t let me do that alone again, will ya’?
As much as you wanted to reply to him, your climax took all your attention.
Haji, please come with me, please” Your eyes were closed, your head almost spinning, all you had in mind was him and the pleasure he was giving you.
I’m coming baby, all thanks to your perfect pussy

You two breathed heavily, trying to regain all your composure..your brother was gonna come back soon.
Y/N we need to get dressed, although I’d love to stay in bed with you right now.” He said, smiling softly, while giving you a loving peck on your lips.

You two went downstairs, smelling the delicious food you ordered.
Guys, they gave us some extra dumplings for free, I love them…are you two okay?” Asked Oikawa, furrowing his brows.
Yeah, of course we are, now give me my food” Said Iwaizumi nonchalantly, sitting on a random chair.
No reason..I was just wondering how hickeys randomly spawned on my sister’s neck” Said Oikawa, laughing at Iwaizumi’s shocked expression.
Fuck- mind your own business
Hey no need to be so aggressive, I’m actually happy for you, you guys took so long to finally confess.” He let out, still laughing, while taking a big bite of his food.
Shut up” You said slightly blushing, and taking a seat next to your new boyfriend.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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