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FORMAT: oneshot
GENRE: fluff🌺
PLOT: You are Nohebi's manager, but you don't get along with them. So you transferred to Aoba Johsai, instantly clicking with them. You'll also find a gentle and beautiful love there..


You were feeling kinda nervous right now. Why?
You were about to introduce yourself to the volleyball team of your school, because you decided to be the manager. You really hoped you would get along with them, and that your autism won't get too much in the way of socializing with them.

As you stepped in the gym you found the Nohebi team all lined up in front of their coach and another girl, their heads all turned to you.
You smiled and bowed down at them, still really anxious.
The coach spoke up for you "Guys, this will be your new manager, (Y/F/N), she has autism, but treat her well okay?"
"Why does he have to specify that? Oh well, it's fine I guess" you thought to yourself.
As soon as the coach said that though you could see the team members and the other manager hiding their giggles, but you just shrugged it off thinking nothing of it.

Practice was going fine, you were doing your job perfectly, and as you were handing the guys their water bottles along with (H/N), Daishou walked up to you, followed by two players.
"Yo Y/N, do the teachers give you higher grades out of pity?"
You tilted your head confused at the sudden question. "Huh? Higher grades? What do you mean? I study the same things as you guys".
"Oh really? And if I ask you to do 7x8 you'd be able to?"
"It's 56 obviously? Guys I'm not less smarter than you, do you think that autism works like that?"
"Doesn't it?" Adds the other manager.
"No? I personally just need a few minutes to get some jokes sometimes, and it can be a bit hard for me to socialize with others, but I'm perfectly normal, just like all of you" you smiled at them, hoping that now you cleared things.
They just rolled their eyes at you chuckling, and then walked away.

That's pretty much how the following weeks were like, they'd always pick on you, asking you obvious cultural questions, or making inside jokes that only them could understand.
You'd always reply at their questions, or kindly ask to someone if you didn't understand the joke, but their answers were always filled with sarcasm.
You often didn't know if you should take them seriously or not.
And when you weren't at the gym that other manager would pick on you in class.
You just couldn't have a moment for yourself anymore, and so you just decided to transfer into another school.

This is how you ended up into Aoba Johsai High School.
And again you decided to sign yourself for the volleyball's team manager position, and this time there wasn't anyone else besides you.
You stepped in noticing all eyes on you instantly.
You bowed down at them and at the coach as well. "Hello, nice to meet you guys. My name is (Y/F/N). I transferred here from Nohebi High School for..well uhm some problems. I have autism, but I really hope we can get along."
To your surprise they all flashed their smiles at you and excitedly introduced themselves.
During practice you didn't have any problem with the guys, they all spoke to you with kindness and respect about random stuff, not even questioning your autism.
After it was over Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked up to you. The captain asked you "Hey Y/N, can we walk you home? We can chat for a bit in the meantime, where do you live?"
As you answered his question you saw their eyes lit up.
"We're basically all neighbours!" Said Oikawa.
And so that night you went home with them.

On your way home Iwaizumi started a conversation.
"Hey, tell me..why did you transfer in this school? You didn't like Nohebi?"
"Well..I was the manager of the volleyball team in that school as well and let's just say I had..uhm some problems with the players and the other manager.."
"Wait..can you tell me the name of that other manager?" Asked Iwaizumi hesitantly.
"It's (H/N)"
The guys both looked at each other annoyed.
"That's my dumb ex-girlfriend. I'm sorry if she treated you badly, that was the main reason I broke up with her. I couldn't stand her attitude anymore'' explained the spiker.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. It's just that people sometimes think that autism is some kind of desease that makes me dumb or something" you said rolling your eyes a bit.
"But I'm happy I found you guys! You're so kind to me!" You added as they both smiled at you.

HAIKYUU x READER ONESHOTS 🏐🖤Where stories live. Discover now