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FORMAT: oneshots
GENRE: Hurt/comfort💔🌺
CHARACTERS: Akaashi, Suna.


Akaashi needed a break so bad. You both could see it. Spending days and nights in his office was starting to change his demeanor drastically. And since you two lived together, you were the most exposed person to his mood swings.

Today Akaashi wasn't at home, he had to meet some collegues in person, so you decided to clean not only the house but his office as well. You knew how organized Keiji was, that's why you wouldn't dare to move around his papers. In fact, you cleaned the whole office and moved around what you knew you could touch.
The pc was perfectly clean, as well as the windows. Everything was at its place. You even watered his little plant.

The steak was cooked perfectly, you just had to put everything in a plate, as you knew your boyfriend would come back any minute.
You jumped, hearing the door slamming. "Shit.." He was mad.
You put on your face the best smile you could muster and went to greet Akaashi, instead he had an annoyed frown on his face.
You'd lie if you said you didn't miss your boyfriend, the gentle and calm one.
"Hey babe!! I made you dinner" You said with a soft tone, seeing his dark eyebags.
He just nodded, and went to his office, saying he'd eat in a minute.
You were actually happy, it's been a while since you had a well-served dinner with your boyfriend.
You finally put the plates on the table, ready to eat, when you heard your boyfriend's angry tone calling you from his office, making your smile disappear.

"What is it darling?" You asked quietly.
"Y/N..did you touch my stuff? Where the fuck are all my documents, I need to send them for tomorrow."
"I..I don't know, I haven't touched those.."
"You don't know?" You could sense his growing anger by now.
"Y/N how do you not know if you clearly messed around my office all day? Try to remember cause I'm not risking my long work for your dumbness"
You started panicking. You were sure you didn't touch his papers..or at least you were until now. What if you actually moved some important stuff without noticing, and you just didn't remember.
As you were internally screaming, you didn't notice Akaashi getting more and more impatient, waiting for your answer.
"You know what, just get out already, and from now on you can't take one single step inside this office." And he wasn't done. Your boyfriend scoffed, the tiring work really getting to him.
"I've worked my ass off for this project, I almost went insane, I can't believe I'm risking my work because of you. You don't realize how stressful it's been, so of course you just have to make it worse. Can't you just think about your own work, and stop messing up mine?!"
You were on the verge of tears by now, not knowing what to say, he was right after all. You just apologized and walked out of that office, closing yourself in your shared room.

On the other hand, Akaashi took a deep breath, trying to calm down. He just wanted this project to be over as soon as possible, he noticed how it made him more distant from you.
So he started searching for his papers. As he opened the last drawer, his eyes immediately recognized the documents he was disperately trying to find.
However..his relief was quickly replaced with a wave of regret because..Akaashi was the one moving those papers there, not you, he just forgot.
Suddenly, all the words he said to you flashed in his mind. He felt humiliated and ashamed to say the least.
You were nothing but loving, understanding and kind to him and his work. But he just kept reflecting his frustrations on you.

Keiji walked slowly towards your bedroom, seeing you were curled up on the bed, your back facing usually did that when you had to cry.
"Y/N I..can we talk? I really want to apologize..I haven't exactly been the boyfriend you deserve lately, I know my work isn't an excuse cause it doesn't involve you..please let me learn from my mistakes and make it up to you.."
Seeing you stayed still Akaashi figured out you weren't ready to forgive him yet.
Just as he was about to get up and leave you stopped him.
"Please stay.." You turned to face him, your expression still deeply hurt.
"Oh my love..I'm so sorry, come here" He said softly, while pulling you into a comforting hug.
You missed this.
You missed his kindness.
You missed his warmth.
You missed his loving self.
You missed his cuddles.
You missed him.
"I'm sorry for going into your office, I wanted to make the work easier for you, will your project be fine?" You asked, almost like you were about to cry again, thinking you ruined all his efforts.
Akaashi just shushed you.
"My work will be perfectly fine, but you don't have to worry about that..also thank you for cleaning my office, I really appreciate it my love."

HAIKYUU x READER ONESHOTS 🏐🖤Where stories live. Discover now