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FORMAT: Oneshots
GENRE: Hurt/Comfort💔🌺
CHARACTERS: Tsukishima, Iwaizumi


You two have been dating for a while now, and something you know is that, your bf may be cold sometimes, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you.
In fact you often do things for him.
Today he had practice, and you knew he's recently been really stressed out because of all the school work. So you decided to make something for him.
You know he loves strawberry and that he forgets to eat sometimes, so you watched like tons of videos on youtube and finally found a good recipe.
You went out to buy everything you needed, and spent all morning baking some strawberry cupcakes, so he could also share them with the team.
You even burned your finger a little, but seeing the result made it all worth it!

You even burned your finger a little, but seeing the result made it all worth it!

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"They turned out super cute!!" You thought, while smiling. You packed them in a safe box and quickly went to your bf.

When you arrived they were actually taking a break, so you happily walked up to them, "Hi guys!! Hey babe" you said excited as you kissed your bf's cheek.
Kei didn't seem too happy though.
"What are you doing here? You know we're practicing" he said all serious.
Your smile dropped a bit, but you shook it off, thinking he was just tired.
"I-I brought you guys some cupcakes! I figured you would like a snack during your break, o-or you could also eat them after you've finished, I'll leave them here".

The team thanked you and smiled warmly at you. As Hinata and Nishinoya went to take some cupcakes they were interrupted by Kei's hard voice.
"Y/N, you can't just burst in here and interrupt our practice to bring us those things. Don't you have something more useful to do?"

"Those things"? Is that what he really thinks..?

You replied with a shaking voice "I'm sorry..I just wanted to do something nice for you, and I know you like them so-"
He then interrupted you again.
"I don't really care honestly, just go home, we don't want those"
You just nodded and walked out. The last thing you wanted right now was fighting with your boyfriend, in front of the team too.

As Tsukki wanted to continue with practice Daichi e Sugawara scolded him.
"Tsukishima, you really should apologize to Y/N, she was really sweet thinking about you while you were here practicing, plus these cupcakes are really good" said the captain.
Then Suga added "You honestly just treated her like shit for what? I get it, you are stressed out, we all are, but that is not an excuse to treat your loved ones so badly. She literally just brought you a snack, you had no right to snap at her."
"Not cool man, she probably spent so much time on these." said Nishinoya rolling his eyes.

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