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Hi! Someone requested for Yamaguchi, so here we are ^^
PLOT: He surprises you on your birthday while in a long-distance relationship.


You guys have a long-distance relationship, your meeting was strange actually, you and Yamaguchi casually "met" playing a game online, and hit it off immediatly.
You were about 4 months togheter and you were dying to meet your boyfriend in person, to really kiss him, hug him, look at him eye to eye.

But you also knew he was busy with school, and his team, so you tried not to pressure him too much, even tho you internally hoped he wanted to meet you just as much as you did. You guys texted, called, face-timed everyday, you even talked to his friend, Tsukishima, twice.

On the other hand Yamaguchi was happy with your relationship, and of course he wanted to meet you, and he finally had a chance. Soon it was going to be your birthday, and he was planning a really good surprise. He knew that the distance hurt you sometimes, he could read you well, and to be honest it hurt him aswell. But now he could finally spend a whole weekend just with you.

Time skip~

Your birthday was approaching, it was in one week, you didn't expect much from your boyfriend, maybe a longer video call, but that's it.
In the mean time you were trying to organize a dinner with your closest friends, nothing big, just to spend the evening you know.
You noticed they were all being a bit vague about it, but didn't think much of it.
The truth was that your boyfriend contacted them all informing them about the surprise, and he told your mother aswell so he could enter the house when he'd eventually need it.

Some days passed, and as you talked with your bf you noticed that your birthday didn't even cross his mind, you thought. You were starting to think that he probably forgot about it.

On the day of your birthday you woke up, kinda excited, picking up your phone before anything else but... Nothing.
No texts, no missed calls, nothing from your boyfriend, you even checked your emails, hoping to find something, anything.. but it was all empty.

You took a deep breath, not wanting to spend the day being sad. You got ready to go out, at the end your friends convinced you to spend the morning and the afternoon togheter, and then give you a ride home to relax the whole night. Of course you agreed.

You were having a good time with your friends, except for one thing, you kept looking at your phone, hoping to receive at least an "Happy birthday" message from Yamaguchi. When you got home you still didn't hear from your boyfriend, which was starting to get you not only upset, but also concerned.

As you inserted the key and opened the door, the sight of the kitchen and living room left you shocked. It was beautiful, your first thought was that your parents made all this, it was beautiful.
The kitchen, especially the table, and the living room were all decorated.

You stepped in the house, taking a look at the food when you heard a shy voice from behind you

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You stepped in the house, taking a look at the food when you heard a shy voice from behind you.. - Do you like it? I decorated everything, but your mom helped me with the food -.
No way. You knew that voice, it was the voice that tells you "good night" and "good morning" everyday, it was the voice that always complimented you, it was the voice that you fell in love with.

You quickly turn around, gasping at the sight of your boyfriend. You wasted no time running to him for a big hug, you were absolutely ecstatic, you couldn't find the words. - I thought this was the perfect occasion to come and see you -.

You could finally do this. You gently took his face in your hands, observing and admiring every little detail of his, brushing his lips with your thumb.
You two leaned in and your lips were on each other in the most delicate and passionate way you could ever imagine.
This was not a dream, it was better.
Neither of you wanted to pull away, your boyfriend caressed your face with one hand, and grabbed your waist with the other, as you had your arms over his neck. It was perfect.
Sadly you had to pull away for air, always looking into each other's eyes.
- I've wanted to do this for so long. - He said with his eyes full of love.

You two sat togheter and had dinner while talking non-stop, and Yamaguchi never let go of your hand on the table.
As dinner was over you were sad that this night felt so short, but your boyfriend got one last surprise. He took out a box and opened it, revealing a shiny necklace, which had the form of a half heart.
You were speechless. - I wanted to give you this, as a present, i-i have the other half.. -
You looked at him, almost with tears in your eyes.

You and Tadashi hugged, and spent the rest of the night togheter in bed, talking, cuddling and just trying to make as much memories as you could.

You honestly couldn't ask for a better birthday.

Heyy! ^^ Let me know what you guys think.
Next character requested: AKAASHI

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