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Sorry for not being active (here and also on tiktok) but i've been really sick, and I'm still healing. But i could write this short story for Akaashi, which was requested, so i hope you guys will enjoy it.
PLOT: Fake relationship troppe basically.

You and Akaashi got to know each other in college, and you immediately hit it off. He was a good guy, and he liked spending time with you.
You often ended up studying togheter and helping each other until late at night.
It was no secret you two also cared deeply for one another, and while you checked that Akaashi had enough sleep, he made sure you always ate and drank.

Now, you've always been a responsible person, your studies were so important to you, and when you had free time you made sure to spend it with your friends or just by yourself.
The same goes for when you were still in high school, except in those years you were near your family.

A while ago you and your parents had agreed on a date to meet, the thing is..your mother was REALLY REALLY expecting for you to finally be in a relationship, and you couldn't say no to her.
This leads to the current situation: you were walking back and forth in your room, while Keiji was just looking at you, trying to give you some rational advices, like "maybe you should just tell her the truth, it's not a big deal". Yeah that wasn't an option. After a few minutes you finally had an idea "YOU. YOU ARE THE SOLUTION KEIJI!". The boy looked at you and sighed "I don't like where this is going.."
"PLEASE PRETEND TO BE MY BOYFRIEND, JUST SO MY MOTHER WILL STOP QUESTIONING ME ABOUT IT, PLEASE!" You looked at him with puppy eyes. He finally gave up and agreed.

Time skip to dinner ~

You were wearing an elegant red dress, with heels and a bit of makeup, and left your hair in its natural way. When Akaashi saw you his mind went crazy, he's never seen you looking this elegant. The dinner went smoothly, cause you already informed your "boyfriend" on what to say days before the dinner.

After that though you started noticing that Akaashi was being weird, your usual hug lasted a bit longer, his eyes rested on you more frequently, he was more eager to help you, you didn't mind though, maybe he was just being nice.
Until one evening someone knocked on your door, you opened and saw Akaashi, who was looking a bit nervous. You let him in and asked what was going on.

He looked at you and spat out "it's you. You're driving me insane. Since that dinner happened, I can't stop myself from thinking about you that way- and I'm not going to fight that feeling cause I already realized it'd be useless. So then I've tried giving you signals, but nothing changed.." You were absolutely speechless, then the boy made his way towards you "Y/n i need to know what do you think about all this, i can't keep overthinking it or i'll seriously go insane, i also refuse to act like nothing happened if you say no to me, but i wanna know.."

To be honest, you never really thought about a REAL relationship with him, but mostly because you never thought you had a chance with a guy like Akaashi. And now, when you had this opportunity right in front of you you weren't gonna waste it, that was for sure.
You pulled him in for a kiss, and his lips expressed all Keiji's passion, it was absolutely breathtaking, you didn't regret it one bit.

Your best life in college was just about to start and you couldn't wait for the future..

That's it. It didn't really came out how i wanted but this will do while I'm sick. Byee <3

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