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PLOT: You're Atsumu's best friend, and when he introduces you to his brother you still have no idea that he'll turn out to be the most important person for you.
However Osamu finds difficult to admit his feelings..
GENRE: fluff🌺 (+ some angst)

You've been a dear friend of Atsumu for a few weeks now. It was still enough to create a strong bond between you two.
Atsumu got to know you during a party. He sneaked out after convincing his twin brother to help him out if their parents ever found out.
You two immediately clicked.
After almost 3 weeks of being friends Atsumu invited you to his house to hang out.
Well not really to hang out, he was just down bad for your best friend and wanted some advices.
On the other hand, you agreed. Atsumu could seem like a heartbeaker and a superficial person, but deep down he cares for the people he loves.

As you entered the house, Atsumu showed you around.
"So this is the living room, my room is upstairs, let's go."
As you two went to the boy's room, you walked by the kitchen.
"Hey bro, what you doing tonight- oh hi, I didn't know you brought some company Tsumu" Said a guy identical to Atsumu, a bit embarassed since his hands were covered in rice and other ingredients.
"Oh hey Samu, this is Y/N, she's just a friend I met at the party that day. Y/N, this is Osamu, my twin brother."
"Yeah I forgot I guess, let's go" Replied Atsumu.
"Idiot..well, see ya later Osamu" You said smiling, making the gray-haired boy feel tingles all over his body.
"Oh my God Samu stop it, it's just a girl your brother brought for God knows what" He thought to himself.

As Osamu kept cooking, he couldn't help but wonder what you two were doing upstairs. He kept hearing laughs and giggles.
His steps echoed in the empty staircase, getting nearer and nearer to Atsumu's room.
Osamu knocked softly on the door.
"Come in" he heard coming from his twin's mouth, in between many giggles.
"Sorry to interrupt you guys, I just brought you some of the onigiris I made, if you want some." As soon as Samu placed the food on the desk, Atsumu immediately went for it.
"Idiot, will you leave something to eat to
Y/N too?" Atsumu rolled his eyes in response.
"Yeah, idiot, leave me something to eat" you repeated, jokingly.
"Shut up" was all you two earned from Atsumu.
Osamu looked at you, with a soft smile on his face, while you munched on his food.
"Wow, it's really good Samu. Your brother, on the other hand, can't do shit." You exclaimed, laughing.
"Shut the fuck up bitch" Replied Atsumu, not really bothered actually.
As you two continued to eat, Osamu got up and decided to leave.
As he opened the door you spoke.
"Samu? Where are you going? You can stay here, we don't mind."
"And watch you two looking lovingly at each other? No thanks." Was what he wanted to say.
In reality, he just replied with a "I'm busy sorry."
You just shrugged it off and continued your gossip session with Atsumu.

In the next few days Osamu hasn't seen you, cause you didn't go to their house, but never really stopped thinking about you.
It was weird for him, no one really ever had this effect on him, at least not within the first encounter only.
"I need to stop this before it gets too much. She's probably in love with my brother, and he is too, I shouldn't get in their way." Repeated Osamu to himself over and over again.
Then, just when he thought he could get you out of his head, you went to their house again, mainly because Atsumu asked you to hang out.
This time, Osamu decided to simply get out of the house the whole evening.
You and the setter both thought it was weird, but it wasn't your business anyways.

When Samu came back, hoping you were already gone, he wasn't lucky enough.
You were actually just leaving, so you two met by the door.
"Hey Samu, you've been out for so long, you okay?" You asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, bye Y/N." He said, rushing into his room, not looking into your eyes.
As you got out and said bye to Atsumu, feeling a bit disappointed by the encounter, you also decided to ask him: "Does your brother hate me?"
"Osamu? Nah, he just needs time to get closer to people, don't mind him." Replied Atsumu, unfazed and not really surprised.
"Well, it does seem like he hates me but whatever, night Atsumu."
You thought Osamu was really cool, he seemed like a reliable person, and you knew how much Atsumu actually cared for him.
You wanted to get closer to him, you two could be good friends..or even more..

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