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TW: $uicid. Pls guys, for those who could get triggered, don't read it, I'm saying it for your own well-being❤️.

I also wanna say that I'm not an expert regarding things about hospital, so some lines may be inaccurate.

*here you and Kuroo are 17, and this doesn't match with the actual facts in the anime.*

She was like ecstasy, he was ready to get carried away by her.
She was the sun, he was the moon, togheter the most breathtaking constellation.
But..their light was stopped from the walls of the hospital they lived in, specifically in a departement for mental health.

The spiky haired boy spent most of his time in his hospital room and doing tests that doctors made him do.
In fact he always wondered how that girl with big doe eyes and the gentle touch always found time to be with him.

Kuroo wasn't even sure why he was locked in a hospital, much less if he'd ever get out, but as long as he could spend his days with her, Tetsu surely wasn't going to complain.
Something that annoyed him though..is that doctors always looked at him with eyes full of...pity. He hated it.
Wasn't living in a hospital enough already? At least Kuroo had you, he thought.

Like any other normal day, the boy was sitting in his room, talking with Y/n, who had her full attention on what he was saying.
"Do you think they'll ever let us leave?" He asked.
Y/n simply replied "maybe."
Kuroo's dream was to get out of there with you, he wanted to experience the real world with the girl he loved the most. He wanted to be free. And most importantly.. he wanted a future where you both were happy togheter.

That's not what the doctors were planning. In fact all they saw was a helpless young boy who had no chance to recover.
Time was going by, Kuroo was getting a bit older, now he was 19, and he still spent his time with you and you only.
The black haired boy swore that he was living the best love story that a man could ever wish for.

~ Kuroo's room ~

Kuroo's room was on the fifth floor. It was a basic, white room, that obviously didn't match his personality, but he didn't really put much thought into decorating his hospital room. Tetsu just cared about his privacy after all.

He was looking out the window, dazzled by the sunlight until he saw a puny figure of a girl falling down the building of the hospital..it was her.
"No that can't be happening, it just can't, it's not Y/n" he thought.
His blood ran cold, he started trembling and hyperventilating but still managed to scream enough for the doctors to hear him.

When the staff arrived Kuroo started explaining the situation the best he could, but he was getting more and more angry that all the doctors did was just telling him "calm down" or "it's okay".

Okay? How could this situation be..okay?
He just lost you, and he saw that with his own eyes. And what did he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The pain was getting unbearable, he missed you. He missed everything about you.
The desire of having you with him again grew each passing day until he was at his limit.
He was able to be without Y/n for one week, which was, for him, a lot.
Nothing made sense anymore..his will to get out of the hospital, building his future with you, everything.
He was able to loose everything within 10 seconds.
He couldn't do that anymore, and he decided that it was time for him to be with you again.
And so he did the unimaginable.

The next day the doctors were shocked to find Kuroo's lifeless body.
They couldn't believe that such a young boy took his own life..for no reason.
The truth was that nothing that Kuroo lived through the years with you was real.
The young man was locked in a hospital, in a departement, for people with schizophrenia.
His illness marked his life and his death.

He arrived in this hospital years ago just because his parents forced him to, after he lost his girlfriend Y/n due to $uicid€.
Kuroo wasn't able to handle his pain, loosing what he thought was the love of his life..in fact after Y/n's death he started seeing her again and again ...everywhere.
She didn't die to him, and if she really did, he wasn't going to let her go alone.

She was like ecstasy, and Kuroo abused too much of it.

Hey! I'm back!
Hope you enjoyed this one, it was actually a project for school but i thought i could make something out of it and this came out.
As always sorry for any spelling mistake and let me know what you think.
Bye <3

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