Two is Better Than One

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After we pay for the tattoos Kilian takes my hand and walks me back out to the car. 

"Baby, you were so brave."

"I liked it, it's like when I take a shower that's too hot because I like the pain, does that make sense?" I say, even though I know it's sort of weird.

"I think so."

"You're probably the only person on earth that understands me," I smile.

"Well, I love you, that's why."

"I love you and I can't believe you got a wren tattooed on your body."

"Wren Roisin McCauley!" he half yells, half chuckles.


"Believe it, I love you, I'm in love with you and you're it for me, the end."

"I mean you busted out the middle name, I guess that I have to listen now."

"That's right," he smirks, "So where to?"

"Actually, I have more plans for you but we need to go home and change."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah," I tease because there is no way I'm going to tell him what we're doing next.

We make our way back to Kilian's house and go inside, Nolan is sitting on the couch and he greets us with a question, "So, you're officially inked?"

"We are," Kilian grins as he holds out his arm to show off his tattoo through the transparent wrapping.

"Why the bird?" 

"It's a wren."

Nolan looks shocked but then smiles, "Makes sense brother. How about you Wren?"

I lift my ankle to show Nolan the tattoo that now graces my skin.

"It's pretty badass," he grins.

"Thank you."

"I'm so glad you two pulled your heads out of your asses," Nolan taunts with a jovial grin.

"Hey!" Kilian laughs.

"I knew this guy loved you when we were at the hospital he just wouldn't admit it," Nolan explains.

"Well at least he did now," I say taking Kil's hand.

"True," he nods.

"Sorry Nolan, I have big plans for him. We've got to go get dressed," I say before I drag Kil into his room.

"What am I dressing for?" he asks.

"Let's say... a concert."

"Really?" he asks excitedly.

"Sort of," I say and that's all he's getting.

After we both get ready I try to stealthily grab my guitar case but Kilian notices right away, "Wren, what are you up to?"

"We're going to dinner at Boomers, the guys are meeting us," I say pretending to laugh it off.

"Mmm hmm," he chuckles, he clearly knows I'm up to something but it seems like he's letting me have this.

I drive to Boomers and see Gael and Declan out front as planned. As soon as we park the car and get out they grab Kilian and pull him inside so I have time to tune my guitar and center myself. I've been working on this song for a few weeks now and can't wait to play it for Kilian. I take a deep breath and enter Boomers with my guitar in tow then find the guys.

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