Moving Day

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The next week goes by in a blur, between school and preparing for our move, everything has been so busy. I haven't talked to my dad yet but I've been visiting with Quin after school and collecting some of my things when I can. Now it's Saturday, moving day.

Declan, Gael, and Nolan all offered to help us move in but it's done quickly because we don't have that much stuff yet. We order pizza and feed them all then they go home and I'm left alone with Kilian in my new apartment.

"Wrenny! We did it, our home," he says wrapping his arms around me.

"You did it, babe, I'm so proud of you and lucky to have you."

Kilian and I tag team the bedroom, the only room we have furniture in right now, and try to make it look nice. He sets up the TV and orders Chinese food, we want our first night in to be low-key and casual. It's been a long day but it's all worth it now that we're settling into bed with chicken fried rice and a silly movie.

"This is so perfect," he says before I can.

"I know, I've missed you this week."

"Speaking of, I got all the paperwork back for my inheritance, I'm quitting my valet job. I want to be with you some nights, I miss you and we'll be fine."

"Whatever you say, babe, I trust you and I still don't mind getting a job."

"Nope, write a song, that's your job."

"I've been working on something. Maybe I can show you when we're done eating."

"I would love that."

"Only if you help me, I'm kind of stuck on the chorus," I pout but he smiles and I instantly feel better.

After we clean up dinner I go back into the bedroom with my guitar to show Kilian the song I've been working on but right when I sit down my phone starts to ring.

Kilian picks it up to hand it to me, "It's your dad."

"Nope, I'm not doing that right now."

"Okay, babe," he says before he bounces the call.

"Okay so I have the verse and an idea for the hook but I..." a tinny song starts to play interrupting my train of thought. "Shit, is that mine again?"

"Yeah..." Kilian says remorsefully so I can tell that it is still my dad.

"Let it go to voicemail, I can't deal with him right now."

Kilian silences my phone and tucks it under a pillow.

"Okay, so I'll just play what I have, and then..."

"Babe, he's calling me now," Kilian interjects.

"What the hell? I mean I guess answer it."

Kilian answers the phone and puts it on speakerphone right away, "Hello?"

"Kilian, is Wren with you?" my dad says. 

As soon as I hear his voice I get sick to my stomach and go out into the living room to pace.

"Yes," Kilian answers.

"I tried to call her first, anyway, I have some bad news."

"Shane? You haven't talked to her since we left, what is going on?"

"Just listen to me. Wren's mom is in the hospital, Quin is beside herself and I need Wren to come home."

"What happened?"

"Quin was out with her, Cara had a seizure in the middle of a parking lot. Someone helped Quin get an ambulance there but she is traumatized and she won't talk to me."

"She had a what?" I hear Kilian yell so I run back into the bedroom, now I wish that I had just stayed to know what is going on.

"Kilian, please, Wren doesn't have to talk to me, but Quin needs her."

"I'll come to get her, just give me a few minutes," Kilian replies.

"Thank you, Kilian," my dad says just before Kilian hangs up.

"What is going on?" I squawk. 

"Come here, sit down."


He takes my hand before he says anything else, "He said your mom had a seizure, she's in the hospital."


"Wait, Quin was with her alone when it happened, your dad said she is beside herself but stay calm, I can just go get Quin and bring her here."

"Kilian, I don't want to deal with my dad but I need to be there for Quin. Is my mom even okay?"

"I don't know, I'm here and I'll take charge if you need me to, what do you want to do?

"Um. Okay," I sigh, "I think I need to go over there. Maybe my dad can give us more info and I can calm Quin down. I will just have to get over whatever this is with my dad."

"He said you didn't have to talk to him."

"He doesn't even want to talk to me?" I ask sadly.

"No, I think he knows you don't want to talk to him."

"Okay, I know you're pissed at him too but maybe you can talk to him while I deal with Quin?"

"Of course baby, whatever you need."

After we get dressed Kilian drives me to my dad's house. It feels weird just walking in so I call Quin to have her come to let us in. As soon as I walk through the door she is wrapping her arms around me.

"It's okay Quinny, take a breath. Come on, let's go upstairs," I say as calmly as possible.

Kilian squeezes my shoulder affectionately before he goes in search of my dad. Once I get Quin upstairs she won't talk, she's just crying.

"I know you're scared but it's over now, can you tell me what happened?" I ask as I stroke her hair and try to calm her down. 

Finally, she starts to talk in her familiar mousy tone, "I was in the car and momma was getting in but when she opened the door she made a scary sound and she fell down, she was shaking."

"Okay, what did you do?"

"I called 911 on my cell phone but I didn't really know what to tell them, so a lady helped me talk to them. Momma woke up and she was tired but she seemed okay. They took me in the ambulance with her and I had to sit in a room at the hospital and wait for dad."

"Why didn't you call me? I would have come to get you."

"You're still mad at mom and dad, I didn't know what to do," she squeaks.

"Quin, no matter what happens with mom and dad you will always be my little sister, next time you need help you call me."

"Okay, sissy."

"Come on, let's get you to bed."

I turn her bed down and she crawls under the covers. After I put her music box on and say goodnight I close her door and leave her to get some rest. It's crazy how much Quin reverts when something bad happens, she was like a six-year-old again. 

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