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Kilian holds my hand as we make our way to my room and I can tell that he's excited but... nervous at the same time.

"Wren, we don't have to."

It's sweet that he cares but I have to figure out how to show him that I'm really ready, "Let's just see what happens," I say.

I lay back on my bed and pull him on top of me, the towel is the only thing that separates me from what I really want.

"I know how I feel but I don't know what you're thinking?" Kilian admits.

"I feel like my body wants your body but also, I love you and I want you to be happy."

I think for only a minute before I roll him onto his back and take control, "We need to be really comfortable before we go there, I don't want it to be awkward."

I slip my body down over his until my head is at his waist then look up at him with hooded eyes.

"Wrenny, baby you don't have to," he says nervously.

"I want to..."

Before he can say any more I take his hard length in my hand and slowly but surely kiss and lick the tip. I can tell I am affecting him because he can't seem to stay still, the feeling of power I have over him is already addicting so I plunge his member into my mouth and for some reason, it feels so good. He's so warm and smooth against my lips and even though I knew I wanted to do this for Kil I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm really enjoying this too.

Kilian winds his fingers through my hair before moaning out loud, "Wren, I..."

"It's okay, I want you too, you taste so good."

"Goddamn..." he swears through his teeth and lays back on the pillow.

"Tell me what you like... I want to please you."

"Babe, your perfect little lips... Fuck! Wren!"

I continue working his body until he starts to shake and eventually releases. While his chest heaves I slide back up the bed and lay on his shoulder, his heart is thumping loudly.

"And I thought I had a surprise for you," he smiles.

"I didn't plan it, I just think we should be a little more open to the idea, I love you and I want to be with you."

"I love you too," he chuckles, and his voice seems lighter than usual.

We lay there for what feels like a long time, bodies intertwined and I feel closer to him than I ever have.

"Hey, let's get ready, we still need to go get your surprise," he says once he's relaxed completely.

"If you say so," 

Kilian and I get dressed and go out to my car; He drives because he doesn't want me to know where we're going.

"Kil, no more surprises, just tell me."


He makes the gesture for zipping his lips so I give up and roll the windows down and crank the music. Before I know it we're parking in front of the music store.


"Come on," he says getting out of the car.

I don't like it, surprises make me nervous but we're here now so I climb out of the car. He holds my hand and guides me inside then goes straight to the counter. He tells them his name and that he has an order to pick up but he's being very cryptic.

"Okay, now you close your eyes."

I listen and shut them but I'm full of nervous energy. 

He puts a hand over my eyes, "Just in case."

"Kil, what are you up to?"

"Just wait..."

I can hear the clerk set something down on the counter and Kilian turns me around toward him.

"Okay, before I show you this I want no arguments, no nothing, it's for you... it's yours."

"Okay babe, you're killing me, can I open my eyes now?"

"One, two..." he spins me around, "Three!"

When I open my eyes there is a beautiful acoustic guitar sitting in an open case. It's stained a dark red color and there are intricate designs on the body. When I look closer I notice roses, a coffin and a tree with a heart carved in it marked with K + W. Tears well up in my eyes, I can't believe he did this for me. When I turn to look at him and see his sweet face I can't contain the tears anymore.

"Babe, this is so special, I can't believe it."

"You deserve it, just promise me you'll make beautiful music with it."

I can hear the girl at the counter gasp and sigh before Kilian kisses me then he goes to the counter and picks up the guitar to hand it to me, "Try it out."

I loop the strap over my shoulder and hold onto the guitar even though my hands are shaking. Kil hands me a pick and I give it a quick strum. It's not tuned to my liking but I indulge him anyway and strum the melody to a Liam LaGrange song we like.

"Seeing you holding that is the best thing ever. I've been working on this for so long," he grins.

"Kilian, you are so thoughtful, you take such good care of me."

"Only because you saved me, you saved my life and you don't even know it."

He approaches me and lifts the guitar over my head and puts it in the case. He signs for the order and carries the case for the car for me.

"Kilian, it's beautiful but it's too much, you shouldn't have."

"No, you're wrong, I had to, you need to share your heart with the world, it's too beautiful to hide anymore."

I burst into full on tears at this point, I can't believe how much he loves me or the way he thinks of me. He just grabs my hand like he knows what I'm thinking and backs outof the parking lot. 

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