Wrenny Sandwich

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Once we're all dressed and ready to go I make sure we have the tickets and Kilian drives to a restaurant near the stadium. Once we're seated, we place our order then Kilian starts to talk about the night ahead.

"Are you so damn excited or what?"

"I mean, yeah, of course. I'm going to be a crazy woo-woo girl," I laugh.

"I figured as much, and you can check Liam out, I know he's your dream boyfriend but it's okay because I get to take you home with me."


"Hey, I'm just saying, we all know you have a major thing for him, his pics are still all up on your bedroom wall."

"It's a thing for his music," I fib.

"Hey, it's really okay, it's a win-win for me, I get to watch you dance all sexy all night while he riles you up for me, it's kind of a dream situation."

"Oh my God!" I let out an ugly laugh.

"For what it's worth, I'm excited too, this is going to be so fun, I hope they do some of their older stuff too."

"Yeah, they probably will."

Once our food comes we eat and chat idly until it's time to go. Kilian pays the bill and then we make our way to the stadium. There are tons of cars everywhere and it takes a while to get inside and find our seats.

"I can't believe Gael and Declan did this, look how close we are," I exclaim.

"I know, this is insane."

"We should send them a picture or something," I suggest so we take a selfie in front of the stage and send it to them saying thank you.

The opening band starts to play, it's my first real concert so I can't contain my excitement. I sway, dance and scream with the crowd while Kilian protectively holds me around the waist. As the set goes on I realize I need to go to the bathroom before Bang Out of Order plays.

"Kil, I'm just going to run to the restroom before everyone rushes over there."

"Okay baby, be careful, I'll be right here."

I squish through a few people standing around us and I'm almost free and clear when someone grabs onto me, "Hey sweet thing, want to crowd-surf?" he asks.

"No actually, please let me go."

"Don't be a party pooper, a little thing like you could probably get all the way up to the stage," he says with a smarmy smile.

"That's okay, thanks though," I say as I try to free myself from his grip.

I can't get away and he's lifting me off the ground but just then Kilian wraps an arm around my waist, "Get your hands off of her!" he yells.

"Sorry bro, just having fun."

"At her expense, apologize before I kick your ass," Kilian spats.

"Kilian, it's okay, let's go," I plead.

"No, apologize," Kilian insists before he puffs out his chest and stands taller; There is straight-up murder in his eyes, I've never seen this side of him.

Grabby McGrabberson looks at the ground and says, "I'm sorry, I should have listened to you."

"Thank you," Kilian says as he flips the guy off then guides me out of the crowd. "Are you okay?" he asks, his demeanor is completely different now. 

"I am, that was scary but I'm okay, thank you."

"I'm sorry I got pissed but I didn't like seeing his hands on you."

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