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It's been a few weeks since the Bang Out of Order concert. There have been no major events since then, we're just trying to get through our senior year. Prom is coming up and Kilian is taking me so we have something nice to look forward too. Gael had a birthday last weekend and we all had so much fun, Declan is the last one to turn eighteen and we have big plans to all go out together for his birthday. The last thing on my radar right now is family issues, I've been doing a good job moving on and living for myself until this morning when I received a text message from my mom.

[Mom]: Wren, please come to dinner at Roy's tonight, we want to see you and Quin is coming too.

"Ugh," I sigh.

"What's wrong baby?" Kilian asks.

"My mom is texting me, she wants us to go to dinner at Roy's house."

"Do you want to go?"

"Not really but I feel like I should be the bigger person and try since she is trying. Do you know what I mean?"

"Well, I have to work until five but if you want to go I'll go with you when I get home," he lifts me off my feet and kisses me passionately. "I'll miss you every second I'm gone though," he says as he pulls away.

"I always miss you too Kil, try to have a good day, I'll text you when I figure out about my mom."

He sets me down and kisses my head, "I love you."

"I love you too."

After Kilian leaves for work I'm not sure if I'm ready to face the mom issue yet so I decide to get on my computer and check the stats on our songs and socials. I've been trying to do what Kilian asked and really focus on music until I graduate. We've built a little following of people who listen to our songs and share them around. The first song me and Kilian finished was called 'Beautifully Broken' and we felt good enough about it to enter it into a concert for an up-and-coming band called The Robins to record.

We've managed to make it into the top ten and on their website so we're able to check the votes in real-time. Every time I reload the page nerves pinch my stomach expecting to see us at the bottom but we just keep moving up. Wow, I can't believe it, third place, I'll take that. 

There are still a few weeks left for people to vote so I decide to leave it for now and try to figure out what to do about my mom. We've been sending casual text messages and I have calmed down about the whole Roy thing even though I still feel bad for Dad. It's weird because I'm starting to 100% understand why their marriage didn't work, Dad doesn't know how to talk to women and ignored mom so she drank the pain away until they both couldn't take it anymore.

I pull out my phone out to text Kilian.

[Wren]: Babe! Third place...

[Kil]: Really? WOW!

[Wren]: I know right? Also, I think we should go tonight.

[Kil]: Ok Wrenny, I'll see you around 5:15.

I spend the rest of the day playing with some lyrics and trying to find the right sound on my guitar until it's time to get ready for tonight. After I shower and get dressed Kilian walks in the front door.

"Hey pretty!" he smiles before he gives me a sweet kiss. "Just let me change real quick and we can go."

"Okay Kil, no rush."

After Kilian freshens up we get in the car and head to Roy's house. I used to play at Roy's when I was really little, he has a daughter my age but she's long gone and barely sees Roy. Roy was always nice to me, but this whole situation is still really weird.

"Kil, I'm not sure what we're walking into," I caution him.

"Whatever it is we'll handle it."

"Ever since our family moved Roy hasn't been around as much, I just don't even know what to expect," I explain.

"Well, I've got you back," he reaches across the car and holds my hand, his warmth instantly calms me.

When we get to Roy's street I have Kilian slow down and show him the old, little, pink house my family used to live in before dad got his promotion. I have happy memories of sharing a room with Quin and being a close family there, but now the house looks sad and ancient. Roy's house is three houses down, the porch light is on but it's still dark outside the home.

"Here goes nothing," I sigh.

Kilian holds my hand and walks me up to the door - I knock remembering that the doorbell never worked. Before I can really contemplate what is about to happen mom is opening the door smiling at us.

"I'm so glad you're here, come in you two," she beams and gives me and Kilian a hug.

I scan the room and see Quin sitting on the couch with Roy; the house is kind of haphazard looking. Nothing has really changed except I can tell mom's touches are here, her porcelain doll collection now fills the foyer flanked by Roy's stuffed Marlin on the wall. It's like a museum of odd hobbies and everything smells strongly of cigarette smoke.

Roy stands up and approaches me slowly, "Sweetie, I know the hospital was a shock, I didn't know you would be there but I am happy you're here now, it's been too long." 

He gives me a hug and I allow it but don't fully hug him back. I introduce Kilian, they shake hands and we make our way to the couch to sit by Quin.

"Hey Quinny, how is everything?" I ask.

"Good. Cheer is good, school is good," she replies flatly.

"Well, that's good," is what I say out loud but I keep thinking... Why is this so awkward? Mom squishes in between the two of us and Kilian sits near me in a chair.

"So, Wren, I wanted you to come tonight because we have some news," mom announces.

My eyes go wide not sure if I can handle whatever this is, instinctively Kilian reaches for my hand. 

"As you know now the divorce is finalized, we're going to start moving forward on planning a small wedding," Mom announces.

"Already?" I react loudly, without thinking.

"Yes, honey, we're older, we don't want to waste any time," she explains and I decide to let it go for now.

"Are we going to be in the wedding?" Quin chirps.

"If you will agree to," mom says timidly.

"Yes momma, yay!" Quin squeals.

"What do you want us to do?" I ask.

"I was hoping you'd be my bridesmaids, stand up there with us."

"I mean, I, yeah okay," I stutter, I don't want to but I know it's the right thing to do.

"Really, Wren? Thank you," mom smiles.

"You're my mom, I want to save our relationship, I'm still not 100% comfortable but I'm trying."

Kilian squeezes my hand and mom tries to side hug me, I still get a little nervous being really close to her but let it happen anyway.

"Can I help with dinner?" I ask, desperate for something comfortable.

"It's ready, let's go," mom grins.

We all sit around the table and eat a meal, it's not actually all that awkward and Roy is nicer to me than dad has been so I don't hate it. My mom tells us all of these absurd ideas for the wedding. She sounds like a crazy person, they are getting married in the hall of the local bar, seems to make sense I guess. I can tell mom is starting to get drunk and my fight or flight kicks in, I don't want to be around her when she's like this.

"I'll get the dishes," I say as I stand up, desperate to escape the table. 

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