Have and Have Nots

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When we wake up the next morning the regular routine plays out, we go to school, get through the day and go home and cook dinner. We sit down and I finally see my dad for the first time in three days when he comes to the dinner table. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but his face looks distressing. He has a black eye and his whole cheek is bruised.

"Dad, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes baby girl, I'm fine. Just stumbled and fell just right, hit my face on the counter."

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" I push.

"It's just bruised Wren, I will be okay."

Everyone sits silently until Quin breaks in, "I get to be in the middle of the pyramid, they never let junior varsity fly."

"That's great Quin," Kilian smiles.

"Are you excited?" I ask.

"I am but it's a little scary, I don't want to fall, we practice on mats though so it should be okay."

"Quin, I don't want you wearing that uniform in front of people," Dad speaks up.

"But Daddy!"

"She needs to wear it dad, they wear bloomers, give her a break, it's only for games."

"I have to wear it to school on game days," Quin corrects.

Kilian just looks at me awkwardly, I don't want to make this about me but I can't help but notice that my dad still hasn't acknowledged my birthday. Tears start to prick my eyes and Kilian must know because he tries to do damage control.

"Wren, we have to finish that project for History," he says, his eyes go wide to show me he's giving me a way out.

"Yeah, sorry dad, I will clean up later tonight, you guys enjoy your meal," I stagger toward the stairs trying to hold the tears in but they fall before I get there. 

Kilian is quick behind me and he just scoops me up and brings me the rest of the way up the stairs, "Baby, I'm sorry, he's such an ass, I don't know why he is so nice to me but so awful to you. You deserve the world."

"It's nothing new, it just really hurts," I explain.

"Wren, I'm going to talk to him, I know you don't want me to but I need to for my own sanity."

"I know he was drunk when he fell, that's why he's not making a deal of it."

"I won't say anything about that, that's not my business but the way he treats you, that's my business now, I'm not telling you what to do but I need to tell him what you don't have to do."

"But what if he freaks out and won't let you stay here?" I cry.

"Then you can come stay at my place until we move, there is no one that's going to keep me away from you, it won't happen."

I just lay my head in his lap as he strokes my hair, "Wren, you deserve so much more than this, you haven't been dealt a fair hand, none of this is your fault," he says.

"You don't have to fight my battles for me, I can talk to him."

"I think you should but I'm here for backup if he doesn't listen."

I sit up and kiss him, "Kilian you are perfect. You push me and back me up and love me. If I didn't have you I feel like I would end up just like my mom. No wonder she went crazy."

"Wrenny, take some credit for yourself, you inspire me, you are such a strong woman, the fact that you've been doing all of this for as long as you have, the fact that you're still standing, talking to your mom after everything, you're an inspiration."

"Okay, I believe you, I will go down there and talk to him," I resolve.

"Can I come with you? I promise I won't say anything unless I need to but I want to be there for you," he asks timidly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We make our way downstairs to find the typical scene - dirty dishes left on the table along with the leftovers and napkins. 

I sigh then start to clean up but Kilian grabs my hand to stop me, "Talk first, this is another thing you don't have to do for them, I will do our dishes right now but you're not their maid."

I nod my head and steel myself before I knock on my dad's bedroom door. 

He comes to the door with a beer in his hand, "What's wrong?" he asks nervously.

"Can you come out and talk for a little bit?" I ask.

"Yeah, okay, yeah, let me just turn off the TV, I'll be out in a minute."

I gather the rest of the dishes off the table and bring them to sink where Kilian is already cleaning up.

"Where is he?" Kil asks.

"He said he's coming..."

"Okay, I've got these dishes, don't worry about this."

He's clearly not letting me do the dishes tonight so I grab the leftovers from the table and separate them into two containers for dinner tomorrow for Dad and Quin. Kilian is right, it's time to start living for myself.

Dad eventually comes out and sits at the table. He looks rough and I can't help but feel a little bit bad for him.

"What's on your mind baby girl?" Dad asks as I sit at the table near him and Kilian follows.

"I don't really want this to be ugly but I just need to say a few things if you'll let me."

Dad looks at me for a second and then shifts his attention to Kilian, "What's this about son?"

Is he seriously going to pretend I'm not here? "Dad um, I really want to..."

"Wren, men are talking," Dad interjects.

I feel heat rise to my face and when I turn to look at Kilian he looks like he's going to blow. 

I place my hand on his arm to calm him and decide to try one more time, "Dad, I have some things I need to say to you, Kilian is just here to support me."

"Okay," Dad says but he's clearly annoyed.

I take a deep breath, now or never, "Soon I'm moving out, I can't do everything around here anymore."

"What is it that you do?" Dad asks with a completely straight face and it's taking all of my will power to keep my jaw from dropping.

"Seriously? You always say thank you for cooking, you must know at least some of it," I plead.

"You're the woman of the house, you cook, you shop, you clean," Dad explains matter-of-factly.

That makes me even more angry but I take another breath and will myself to be calm, "And when I'm gone, who is the woman of the house?"

"Your sister," Dad says without skipping a beat.

"She's twelve!" Kilian yells, I'm actually impressed he kept it together as long as he did.

"I don't expect Quin to cook for me, she's barely home, we'll figure it out," Dad explains gesturing with his hands like it's really no big deal.

"Okay, you know what, that's good enough for me!" I hiss as I stand up from the table then shove the chair back into place. "You can start figuring it out tomorrow. Goodnight." 

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